All Flesh is Grass

By Arlyne Moi

Norwegian College of Applied Art and Design, Thesis for Master’s Degree, 1998
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Approaching the theme of plant metaphor from many angles has facilitated the creative process and formation of ideas, which were legion. I found that a worn out theme which many consider unapproachable still holds unlimited possibilities. No mater how urban our culture becomes, plants will still provide metaphors by which we can understand our lives.

The process of simplification allowed for an ornamental approach to flowers. Combining these with acrobatic figures created visual imagery which was applied both with molded paper and various intaglio techniques, re-sulting in objects related to two types of rooms. The book «Fallet» is the third picture book for adults I have made while at school, and I intend to produce more in the coming years.

Throughout this degree program many surprises occurred which form the basis for possible future projects. I have developed a real love for printmaking and messing about in workshops and hope to have my own some day.


    • Achen, Henrik van, Gud og Hvermann, Bergen, 1994.
    • Archer, Michael, Art Since 1960, London, 1997.
    • Arnheim, Rudolph, Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye, Berkeley, 1984.
    • Ashmolean Museum, Innovations in Contemporary Print Making, Oxford, 1982.
    • Attenborough, David, The Private Life of Plants, London, 1995.
    • Danbolt, Gunnar, Kunst og forskning, i rapport fra konferansen om kunstfaglig forskning 13-15 February 1992, Oslo, 1992.
    • Flam, Jack, Matisse on Art, Oxford, 1990.
    • Gombrich, Ernst, The Sense of Order, A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art, London, 1984.
    • Grabar, Oleg, The Mediation of Ornament, Princeton, 1989.
    • Herzog, Hans-Michael, The Art of the Flower, Bielfeld, 1996.
    • Huizinga, J., The Waning of the Middle Ages, London, 1990.
    • Kruse, Bjørn Den Tenkende kunstner, Olso, 1995.
    • Loose, Adolph, Ornament og Forbrydelse, Reprinted in Tankebygninger, Århus, 1994.
    • Nodelman, Perry, Words About Pictures, Athens, 1988.
    • Rosenblum, Robert, Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition. Friedrich to Rothko, Lon-don, 1983.
    • Stevens, Peter, Patterns in Nature, London, 1977.
    • Taylor, Paul, Dutch Flower Painting, London, 1995.
    • Wolfe, Tom, The Painted Word, New York, 1975.

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