Paven om prestenes bønneliv

Bønn er ikke en ekstra aktivitet i prestens liv, men en viktig plikt, sier Benedict XVI.

Paven holdt i går en improvisert samtale med prester fra Albano-bispedømmet i Italia. Vatikanradioen forteller om en samtale på en og en halv time om prestens daglige vanskeligheter, liturgien, familie og ungdom. Castel Gandolfo, som er pavens sommerresidens ligger i dette bispedømmet.

Responding to the first question on the situation of the Church, posed by an 83-year-old priest, the Pope said that they should not to allow themselves to be discouraged. He stressed that the Church is alive. The Holy Father mentioned some examples of great threats that the Church faced in the past, such as the Muslim invasions, the Enlightenment, Marxism, and Hitler, who said that he was convinced «that he would finally be able to destroy Catholicism.»

«We have 2,000 years of Church history, with so many sufferings, including many failures,» the Bishop of Rome said, but «on the other hand we see how the Church has revived after so many crises with a new youth, with new freshness.» In particular, Benedict XVI referred to the flourishing vocations in Africa, saying they are a significant and concrete hope.

In the second question, the Pope addressed the need for evangelization, stressing responsibility in preparation for the sacraments, particularly marriage, as well as pastoral care of the divorced who have remarried.

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