Flere nyheter om den tradisjonelle latinske messen

Fra USA leser vi at den tradisjonelle latinske messen sakte men sikkert blir mer brukt. Først leste jeg i dag at den nå skal feires hver søndag i domkirken i Savannah, Georgia. Les om det her. Biskopen syntes det var greiest at de som øsnker denne messen fikk bruke domkirken, og alle gleder seg.

Fra bispedømmet Charlotte, North Carolina, leser vi også at en (ung) biskop har arrangert et kurs der prester kan lære å feire denne messen. Han oppfatter den gamle messen som noe naturlig, ikke-truende, som han vil gjøre sitt beste for at de katolikken som ønsker den får delta i. Les her fra bispedømmets pressemelding:

“The main benefit of Pope Benedict’s document is two-fold,” Bishop Peter J. Jugis said. “It recognizes the beauty and legitimacy of the extraordinary form of the Mass and promotes the unity of the faithful because, as Pope Benedict has noted, there are people devoted to this form of the Mass.”

“Both forms of the Mass are legitimate means of worship; we don’t want to hurt or leave people behind because of their devotion to earlier liturgical forms,” said Bishop Jugis.

“We’ve had a good response from our priests wanting to celebrate using the 1962 missal,” said Bishop Jugis. “However, many of them need to learn the rubrics and details of the 1962 missal.” Therefore, 14 priests from the Diocese of Charlotte participated in a five-day training session on the 1962 missal in Hickory Dec 17-21. They studied the rituals of the missal and the prayers, which are recited in Latin.

But diocesan priests won’t be the only ones brushing up on their Latin. “Catechesis will be necessary for parishioners, as well, to fully appreciate the Mass of the 1962 missal,” said Bishop Jugis. … …

The extraordinary form of the Mass will be offered in certain churches beginning in 2008. Catholics interested in attending a Mass should contact the office of their vicar forane — a priest who coordinates pastoral activities among groups of churches — to find out Mass times and locations.

“It will be up to each individual priest to determine when he is comfortable celebrating the Mass,” Bishop Jugis said. Since his ordination four years ago, the bishop said he has received letters from all areas of the Diocese of Charlotte requesting the extraordinary form of the Mass.

“These are individuals who are grateful that Pope Benedict XVI has encouraged the wider use of the 1962 missal,” he said. “Going forward, Pope Benedict said we’re not going to leave anyone behind,” the bishop said. “We’re all going forward together.”

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