Aktiv deltakelse er å forene seg selv og sine lidelser med Kristi offer

«Vi er alle, prester og lekfolk, kalt til å forene oss selv og våre lidelser med Kristi offer. Dette er den mest fundamentale måten å «delta aktivt» i messen.» Dette sa kardinal Castrillón Hoyos under sitt besøk i England.

Kardinalen var i England bare litt over 24 timer, men hans besøk har gjort et svært stort inntrykk: After the .. visit .., Mr Julian Chadwick, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society, said: “Second only to Pope Benedict’s Motu Proprio, this Pontifical Mass has been the high point of the LMS’s 43 year struggle to preserve and re-introduce the Traditional Latin Rite. Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos has spoken very plainly during his visit, stressing the rights of the faithful and the duties of priests and bishops as established in the Holy Father’s Motu Proprio. These new rights and duties are still sinking in but they are beginning to be better understood and they will result in a widespread re-introduction of the Extraordinary Form in the life of the Church in England and Wales over the next few years. The LMS will work tirelessly to accomplish the clear wish of Pope Benedict. We invite all the priests and bishops of England and Wales to work with us”.

Les pressemeldinga fra the Latin Mass Society her.

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