Biskop Williamson må forlate Argentina

Jeg leste om det allerede sist uke, men i går kunne jeg lese en litt grundigere artikkel hos om at «de argentinske myndighetene har gitt den britiske biskopen (for SSPX) Richard Williamson, kjent for å ha fornektet Holocaust, 10 dager til å forlate landet». Og Zenit skriver videre:

Father Christian Bouchacourt, the Society of St. Pius X superior for South America, stated that Bishop Williamson already had a similar order from his superiors, after being removed as head of the Lefebvrite seminary in the country.

Argentinean Minister of Interior Florencio Randazzo said that the prelate was instructed Thursday «to leave the country in 10 days time» and was advised of «a decree for his expulsion.»

The formal reason given by the authorities for revoking the prelate’s residence permit is a discrepancy in Bishop Williamson’s engagements in the country, since his permission was for an administrative function and he has been carrying out a religious one. …

The ministry’s communiqué noted: «For these reasons, added to the energetic condemnation of the Argentine government of such manifestations that profoundly attack Argentine society, the Jewish people and the whole of humanity, denying a proven historical truth, the national government has decided to make use of the faculties conferred on it by the law to instruct the Lefebvrite bishop to leave the country or be subject to expulsion.»

Father Bouchacourt confirmed that Bishop Williamson is preparing for his departure from the country, as the government has ordered.

The bishop, along with three other Society of St. Pius X prelates, had their 20-year excommunication lifted at the end of January, in the framework of Benedict XVI’s continuing efforts to heal the schism between the society and the Church.

[OPPDATERING 24/2: Vårt Land trykker i dag en NTB-artikkel som sier at biskop Williamson har forlatt Argentina – i et British Airways fly som skulle til London.]

3 hendelser på “Biskop Williamson må forlate Argentina”

  1. Noen vil kanskje ønske å presisere, og si at Williamson ikke fornekter Shoa. Men når han sier at kanskje 5 % så mange jøder døde under krigen som det offisielle tallet, så er det vel nesten korrekt å si «fornekte».

    [Jeg har fått reaksjoner på setningen over. Det jeg mener er at å si at 300.000 jøder døde under krigen er en helt «annen historie», det er ikke det Shoa/Holocaust vi vanligvis snakker om. Men det er selvsagt også moralsk forkastelig å ta livet av 300.000 uskyldige mennesker.]

    Hva argentinske mydigheter burde gjøre eller ikke, har jeg ingen sterke meninger om. Men jeg tror det er tvilsomt at Williamson vil få noen helte- eller martyrsdtatus hos andre enn noen svært marginale grupper.

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