Biskop Kozon skal feire pontifikal høymesse i København 10. januar

Når biskop Kozon feirer denne pontifikale høymessen etter messens gamle form om en måned, blir det første gang dette skjer i Norden siden 1969, sier bloggen Rorate Cæli:

The St. Charles Borromeo Group in Copenhagen, Denmark, is pleased to announce that a Solemn Pontifical Mass at the Throne will take place in St. Ansgar’s Catholic Cathedral in Copenhagen at 16:30 hrs on Sunday, January 10th, 2010 (the Feast of the Holy Family according to the 1962 calendar).

The Celebrant will be the Bishop of Copenhagen, His Excellency Czeslaw Kozon. He will be assisted by clergy of the diocese and of the FSSP.

This will be the first Solemn Pontifical Mass according to the older liturgical books celebrated in Scandinavia since the liturgical reform of 1969. The event is rendered all the more significant by the fact that it will be celebrated by the Ordinary in his own cathedral.

Så langt har jeg ikke klart å finne disse nyhetene på dansk – her er Sankt Karl Borromæus-gruppens nettsider.

1 hendelser på “Biskop Kozon skal feire pontifikal høymesse i København 10. januar”

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