Mange positive reaksjoner på den pontifikale høymessen i Washington DC

Jeg skrev for noen dager siden om den tradisjonelle latinske pontifikalmessen som ble feiret av biskop Slattery i USAs største katolske kirke. Forhåpentligvis vil denne typen liturgier også komme til vår del av verden om ikek lenge. Her er noen få reaksjon fra folk som var der:

It was the first Pontifical Mass I have ever attended and it was absolutely magnificent! I am profoundly grateful to all who made possible that glorious celebration of the Mass! What we were unable to see at the Mass was the actual vesting of the celebrant after the procession in the cappa magna. …

I live in the DC area and have attended many Masses at the Shrine. Not long after Summorum Pontificum was issued, I visited the office of the rector, and also approached staff at a Shrine information table, regarding the possibility of celebrating any Extraordinary Form Masses, perhaps at least in the Crypt Church. I was assured that it was highly unlikely that any such Masses would ever be celebrated at the Shrine. My thought at that time was that they had vastly underestimated the desire for the “old Mass.” I think that is essentially what was demonstrated at the Saturday Mass. There is a strong desire for it, but more importantly, not only among “nostalgic, older” Catholics (like me). There were many, many young people, and families with young children, and many young women and girls with mantillas and chapel veils. … …


I attended the mass on Saturday with my wife. We’re new Catholics, and attend a parish in Northern Virginia. We’ve been to three masses (one high) in the extraordinary form before Saturday. Granted, we were seated near the very back, so it was somewhat difficult to see the front of the church. I’d like to share two impressions with you.

First, the homily was stunning. It was the first time I had heard/seen a homily delivered from a chair, and I think that the bishop’s position (and the position of those scattered around him) heightened the majestic feeling of the whole thing. For whatever reason, it struck me that I was indeed listening to a successor of the apostles who passed on the faith, once delivered.

Second, it occurred to me that what was going on at the altar was very important. Granted, I believe this on a theological level at any mass, but I really believed it in a different way on Saturday. It was somehow easier to understand that I was truly observing a very sacred mystery. …


… I brought a co-worker of mine who is a very traditionalist Russian Orthodox (outside of Russia). He is quite anti-Catholic, even for an Orthodox. He thinks the Latin Patriarchy is in schism from Orthodoxy, and in heresy due to filioque.

Anyway, he had never been to a TLM before. He was awestruck with it. He noticed how similar the basic order and some details were to the Divine Liturgy. He gathered a new respect for the Latin Rite and the Catholic Church he never had before. He even got respect for our ability to kneel (he is wont to brag about his ability to stand for long periods). This was truly ecumenism at work, all because our Catholic identity was strengthened. …

Les mange flere kommentarer hos Father Z.

1 hendelser på “Mange positive reaksjoner på den pontifikale høymessen i Washington DC”

  1. Magnifikt og storslått pontifikal latinsk høymesse til ære for Pave Benedikt XVI sitt femårige rikholdige pontifikat!

    Og når man nu leser kommentarer og betraktninger angående denne tradisjonelle høymessen i Washington, så kan man se hvor begeistret, ja nærmeste overveldet mange er av dette gamle latinske ”evigvarende” ritus, ikke minst når en ved selvsyn får oppleve messens storartede form og pontifikale prakt. Ser man litt nøye på de detaljer som fremkommer av forskjellige videoklipp, så er dette en gudstjeneste som viser det beste av hva Den katolske Kirke kan oppvise liturgisk og sakralt.

    Man merker seg også med interesse, at hovedcelebrant Biskop Edward J. Slattery ankom messen iført sin ”Cappa magna” – denne storslagne, nærmest majestetiske kappe, som har en lang forhistorie innen Kirken, men ble – som så mye annet, tatt ut av bruk etter Det annet Vatikankonsil. Kappen var før i tiden en del av den normative kor-drakt for kardinaler, biskoper og abbeder – og andre høyerestående prelater. Gledelig og – symptomatisk, er det derfor at ”Cappa magna” nå igjen tas i bruk ved høytidelige anledninger.

    Pastor Moi skriver; ” Forhåpentligvis vil denne typen liturgier også komme til vår del av verden om ikke lenge.”

    Så enig, så enig!


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