Forholdet mellom den gamle og den nye liturgiske kalenderen – 1

I Tulsa, Oklahoma, der biskop Elliot holdt det foredraget jeg referer en del til, ble det også holdt et foredrag av en prest fra FSSP, Father Angelo Van der Putten. Tittelen på hans foredrag var «The Possibility of Reconciling the Liturgical Calendars of the Extraordinary Form and the Ordinary Form». I starten av foredraget snakker han riktignok mest om forandringene i selve messeliturgien:

… No one is able to deny that there are two different usages. One may no longer hold that the Ancient Use is no longer relevant or has any part to play in the Church‟s liturgy. With the advent of the Novus Ordo Missae in the fall of 1969 the Church saw not only a change in its liturgy, but its calendar and many of its devotions. The Ancient Use, or as it’s called today, the Extraordinary Form, saw a complete demise throughout the Catholic world except in a small congregation founded in 1970 by Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre called the Society of St. Pius X, which had houses throughout the world in various places and which adhered strictly to the 1962 liturgical books and calendar. The use of the old rite and calendar was practically forbidden to all after 1969. The only Indult was given by Pope Paul VI to England, humorously called the Agatha Christi Indult. This was given due to a request by Cardinal Heenan who stated that it would seem odd to English Catholics to forbid use of such a Rite shortly after having canonized the English Martyrs who gave their very lives for this very Rite. This Indult was very limited and even in England only the Brompton Oratory applied it faithfully over the years. Little more was heard of the Extraordinary Form until 1984 when Pope John Paul II issued Quattor Abhinc Annos, which with the bishops permission and a special, particular, written indult a particular priest in particular circumstances would be allowed to offer the Extraordinary Form.

Then, in 1988, due to Monsignor Lefebvre consecrating four bishops in order to carry on his work of preserving the Extra-ordinary Form, Pope John Paul II wrote a letter excommunicating him but at the same time allowing a greater freedom to the Extraordinary Form. This letter is called Ecclessia Dei Adflicta. Both of these letters of Pope John Paul II had very little practical effect in freeing the Extraordinary Form from its place on the shelf of, though beautiful and ancient, a no longer useful liturgy of the Catholic Church.

All of this dramatically changed in 2007 when Pope Benedict XVI issued a motu proprio called Summorum Pontificum. The Extraordinary Form is now clearly endorsed by the reigning pontiff and has been given an authority direct to himself.

This reinstating of the Extraordinary Form has given rise to great interest throughout the Catholic world. And it is clear that it is not only a passing nostalgia. Not only does this interest seem profound and committed, but it pertains to the use of the liturgy and calendar as lived in the Catholic Church in the Western, or Latin, Rite since the time of Pope Gregory the Great in the 7th Century (540-609). Clearly, then, this is of profound significance. There are now in the Latin Rite Church «two‟ Rites and «two‟ Calendars, with the majority of believers benefiting from the New Rite and Calendar and a minority benefiting from the Old Rite and Calendar.

It is clearly the mind of the present Holy Father that more and more the Old Rite is to be more readily, wholly and positively available. This brings with it the very practical question of the use of the two different Calendars and feasts of the Saints and the Liturgical Cycle. …

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