Pinseoktaven – torsdag

I de tradisjonelle tidebønnene kommenterer lesningene nå i pinseoktaven hver dag messens evangelium. Slik er torsdagens lesninger:

Lukas 9:1-6
Jesus kalte sammen de tolv og gav dem myndighet over alle onde ånder og makt til å lege sykdommer. Så sendte han dem ut for å forkynne budskapet om Guds rike og helbrede syke. Og han sa til dem: «Ta ikke noe med dere på veien, verken stav eller veske eller brød eller penger, og heller ikke skal noen ha med to kjortler. Når dere har tatt inn i et hus, så bli der til dere drar videre. Men er det noen som ikke vil ta imot dere, skal dere dra bort fra den byen og riste støvet av føttene. Det skal være et vitnesbyrd mot dem.» Så gikk de ut og drog fra landsby til landsby, og overalt forkynte de det glade budskap og helbredet syke.

Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. – Bk. vi. on Luke ix.
We learn from the commandments of the Gospel what manner of men they ought to be who preach the glad tidings of the kingdom of God «Take nothing for your journey neither staves nor scrip, neither bread neither money.» Thus let the Apostle destitute of earthly help, and panoplies in faith, deem himself able to do all the more, as he needeth all the less Such as please may also put upon these words a spiritual interpretation in that a man may be said to lay as the encumbrances of the body, not only by abdicating power, and casting away riches, but also by denying the very body itself its pleasures. The first general commandment given to the Apostles touching their manners was to be bringers of peace, Matth. x. 13, and to be no gadders about, but keepers of the laws of guests. To wander from house to house, and to abuse the rights of hospitality, are things alien to a preacher of the kingdom of heaven.

But as the kindness of hospitality is to be met with courtesy, so also is it said » Whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet, for a testimony against them.» Hereby is it taught that hospitality doth meet with a good reward, since not only do we bring peace to such as receive us, but also, if they be shadowed by some earthly vanities, these defects are taken away, where enter the feet of them that bear the glad tidings of Apostolic preachment. It is well written in Matthew x. 11 «Into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy and there abide till ye go thence» thus avoiding any possible need of going from house to house. But no such selection is commanded to him that giveth hospitality, lest his hospitality itself should be lessened, while he picketh his guests.

This passage, taken according to the plain meaning, is a sacred commandment touching the religious duty of hospitality, but its heavenly words likewise hint at a mystery. When the house is chosen, it is asked if the master thereof be worthy. Let us see if this be not perchance a figure of the Church, and her Master, Christ. What worthier house can the Apostolic preacher enter, than the Holy Church? Or what host is more to be preferred before all others, than Christ, Whose use it is to wash the feet of His guests yea, Who suffereth not that any whom He receiveth into His house should dwell there with foul feet, but, defiled as they are by their former wanderings, doth vouchsafe to change them into new and clean livers. He Alone is He, from Whose house no man ought ever to go forth, nor change His roof for any other shelter, for unto Him it is well said » Lord, to whom shall we go Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe.» John vi. 68, 69.

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