Pinseoktaven – lørdag

I de tradisjonelle tidebønnene kommenterer lesningene nå i pinseoktaven hver dag messens evangelium. Slik er lørdagens lesninger:

Lukas 4:38-44
Fra synagogen gikk Jesus hjem til Simon. Her lå Simons svigermor syk med høy feber, og de bad Jesus hjelpe henne. Han gikk da bort til henne og truet feberen, så den slapp henne. Straks stod hun opp og stelte for dem. Ved solnedgang kom alle til ham med sine syke som hadde mange slags plager. Han la hendene på hver enkelt av dem og helbredet dem. Mange ble befridd for onde ånder som skrek og ropte: «Du er Guds Sønn!» Men han bød dem strengt å tie, for de visste at han var Messias. Da det ble morgen neste dag, drog han ut av byen til et ensomt sted. Folk begynte å lete etter ham, og da de kom dit hvor han var, forsøkte de å holde ham tilbake, så han ikke skulle gå fra dem. Men han sa: «Også i de andre byene må jeg forkynne det glade budskap om Guds rike. Det er det jeg er utsendt for.» Og han fortsatte med å forkynne i synagogene i Jødeland.

Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop of Milan – Bk. iv. on Luke iv.
Behold here how long-suffering is the Lord our Redeemer Neither moved to anger against them, nor sickened at their guilt, nor outraged by their attacks, did He leave the Jews’ country. Nay, forgetting their iniquity, and mindful only of His mercy, He strove to soften their hard and unbelieving hearts, sometimes by His teaching, and sometimes by freeing some of them, and sometimes by healing them. St Luke doth well to tell us first of the man who was delivered from an unclean spirit, and then of the healing of a woman. The Lord indeed came to heal both sexes, but that must be healed first which was created first, and then must not she be passed by whose first sin arose rather from fickleness of heart than from depraved will.

That the Lord began to heal on the Sabbath-day showeth in a figure how that the new creation beginneth where the old creation ended. It showeth, moreover, that the Son of God, Who is come not to destroy the law but to fulfil the law, Matth. v. 17, is not under the law, but above the law. Neither was it by the law, but by the Word, that the world was created, as it is written » By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made.» Ps. xxxii. 6. The law, then, is not destroyed, but fulfilled, in the Redemption of fallen man. Whence also the Apostle saith » Put off, concerning the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.» Eph. iv. 22.

It was well that He began to heal on the Sabbath, that He might show Himself to be the Creator, weaving in one with another of His works, and continuing that which He had already begun, even as a workman, being to repair an house, beginneth not to take down that which is old from the foundations, but from the roof. Thus doth the Lord begin to lay to His hand again, in that place whence last He hath lifted it then He beginneth with things lesser, that He may go on to things greater. Even men are able to deliver other men from evil spirits, albeit with the word of God to command the dead to rise again is for God’s power alone.Perchance, also, this woman, the mother-in-law of Simon and Andrew, was a type of our nature, stricken down with the great fever of sin, and burning with unlawful lusts after divers objects. Nor would I say that the passion which rageth in the mind is a lesser fire than that fever which burneth the body. Covetousness, and lust, and uncleanness, and vain desires, and strivings, and anger these be our fevers.

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