Jeg leser regelmessig den amerikanske
reporteren John Allens nyhetsmeldinger fra Vatikanet, og det har jeg
også gjort i forbindelse med pave Benedikts besøk i Polen
nå nylig. Allen gjør mer enn å bare referere hva
som skjer, han forsøker også å trekke frem underliggende
faktorer. Så i forbindelse med Polen-besøket spør
Allen: Hva vil Benedikt oppnå med dette besøket, i tillegg
til det opplagte, som er å takke og ære pave Johannes Paul
I sin
faste spalte før besøket begynte nevnte Allen noen
grunner til at paven ville besøke Polen:
The Poland trip is not just a wistful trip down memory lane, a kind
of final tipping of the hat to Benedict's boss and good friend for more
than 20 years. There is serious business for the pope in Poland, matters
that cut to the core of his chief concerns. Although media coverage
will likely accent the sentimental, it would be a mistake to read these
three days exclusively as a sort of rolling post-mortem tribute. On
the basis of conversations with Vatican officials over the last several
days, here's how the big-ticket concerns stack up from their point of
Så går Allen videre og snakker om disse
mer underliggende formålene:
One Vatican official stressed that Benedict wants to do more than
pay tribute. He wants to lay down a gauntlet. His aim will be to urge
the Poles to move from celebrating the John Paul legacy primarily in
a sentimental and ceremonial way, to embracing the deep values associated
with the Polish pope. In other words, Benedict will try to argue that
keeping the memory of John Paul alive is not simply a matter of putting
up statues or renaming streets. It's about building the kind of society
to which his teaching pointed, which includes quite specific positions
on a host of issues such as abortion, marriage, biotechnology, social
justice and war and peace. ...
"There will be constant reference to John Paul"
in Benedict's speeches, a Vatican source said. "The message will
be that Poland should remain faithful to the gospel of Christ, which
has always been its tradition, especially recently in John Paul II."
This source pointed to John Paul's speeches from his 1991 trips to Poland,
his first after the collapse of Soviet Communism, as an especially important
touchstone. He called for preserving the cultural and religious heritage
that constituted the essence of Poland's national character, and thus
should be central to a fully sovereign Poland again finding its historic
roots. That Poland has a "European vocation" was implicit
in what John Paul said in Wloclawek: "The world needs a redeemed
På vei til Polen, nevnes det forskjellig ting
paven skal gjøre mens han er der, skriver
Pope Benedict XVI launched what might be dubbed his "Take Back
Europe" 2006 summer tour today, opening a four-day swing through
a traditional Catholic stronghold that he hopes will build momentum
for reawakening the Christian roots of the Old Continent. The motto
of the visit to Poland is a pointed reminder of the message: "Stand
firm in your faith!"
Polakkene har på mange området meninger
som ikke samsvarer med Den katolsk kirke, men det går i rett retning.
skriver derfor videre:
On the one hand, there is clearly a bedrock of Catholic identity
upon which to build, and at least on the abortion issue, there's evidence
the church is gaining ground. On the other hand, across a range of other
issues, one finds the same tendency towards independent-mindedness for
which Catholics in Western Europe and North America have long been infamous.
In that sense, if Polish Catholics do eventually re-evangelize Europe,
as the last two popes have dreamt, (some people) caution that the gospel
they spread may not coincide exactly with the Catechism of the Catholic
I fredagens utendørsmesse i Warzawa tok paven
opp det
som Allen mener er Polen-turens underliggende hovedtema og sa:
Faith is a gift, Benedict told the crowd in Victory Square, "but
it is also a task." "We must not yield to the temptation of
relativism or of a subjectivist and selective interpretation of Sacred
Scripture," he said. In the struggle against relativism, Benedict
appealed repeatedly to the Catholic heritage of Poland, especially the
memory of Pope John Paul II. "How can we not thank God for all
that was accomplished in your native land and in the whole world during
the pontificate of John Paul II?" he said. "Cultivate this
rich heritage of faith transmitted to you by earlier generations, the
heritage of the thought and the service of that great Pole who was John
Paul II," Benedict urged in Warsaw.
Senere på dagen nevnte paven også de nye
bevegelsene innefor Kirken, som han håper kan være med og
styrke og fornye den:
Benedict XVI also used his visit to Jasna Góra to praise the
"new movements," a vast array of Catholic groups born in the
20th century, ... Although some bishops and priests have at times been
critical of the movements for building a "parallel church"
alongside traditional diocesan and parochial structures, both John Paul
and Benedict have supported the new groups, especially in light of their
success with young people and in generating vocations to the priesthood
and religious life. The pope called the movements "a sign of the
Holy Spirit's active presence."