nyheter fra pavens tur til Polen, sier John Allen,
er at journalistene er frustrerte fordi pave Benedikt ikke sier noe
som passer til avisenes overskrifter, han legger faktisk (bare) frem
viktige ting i den kristne tro.
er en fortsettelse på gårsdagens post: Formålet
med pavens besøk i Polen - del 1)
I Wadowice, pave Johannes Pauls fødested, pekte
han på dåpspakten, hvor viktig det er for alle kristne å
leve den ut. Han pekte også på hvor viktig det er at troen
integreres i hele vårt liv, Allen skriver:
At its roots, Benedict believes, the modern malady is a crisis of
faith - faith in Christ, in the church, and hence declining passion
for the sacraments, for prayer, and for living a life of moral purpose.
Hence what Benedict offers are usually the spiritual and pastoral basics,
almost as if he wants to peel the modern situation back to the beginning
of the divorce between faith and culture in the Enlightenment, and start
again. Benedict is in that sense a man of the fundamentals.
Lørdag kveld, i møte med
ungdommer i Krakow's Blonie Park, snakket han om noe så sentralt
som å bygge huset på fjell, ikke på sandgrunn:
Benedict's passion for the basics was most evident in his session
with young people ..., where he repeatedly returned to Jesus' words
in the gospel about building one's house on solid rock as opposed to
sand. "Building on Christ means basing all your desires, aspirations,
dreams, and plans on his will," the pope said. Benedict warned
the young people that making such a choice will often mean being rejected
by the world.
Også på lørdag referer
Allen til flere uttalelser fra Vatikanets pressetalsmann, Navarro-Valls,
om hvordan turen har gått så langt, og om pavens vurdering
av det som har skjedd:
Asked about Benedict's "strategy" for the Poland trip,
Navarro-Valls said he preferred the term "pastoral approach."
Navarro-Valls called it a "pastoral approach of intelligence."
"His messages are full of content that is sometimes difficult to
express, but he does it very well," Navarro-Valls said. "These
are very dense texts."
Navarro-Valls said that Benedict has repeatedly
invoked the word "rationality" over these days. "He wants
to insist on it," Navarro-Valls said. "Exactly what our epoch
needs, is what it is asking of the pope," meaning a renewed emphasis
on reason in the intellectual life and in the life of faith. Navarro-Valls
said Benedict has been satisfied with the large and enthusiastic crowds,
but he's more content that the trip is unfolding as he wished -- "not
just sentimental, but an itinerary of faith."
sitt referat fra søndagen, skriver John Allen at pave Benedikt
tydeligere enn noen gang legger frem sitt "hoved"tema. Slik
formulerer hans seg f.eks. under den store utendørsmessen - for
1 million mennesker - i Krakow:
Karol Wojtyla was elected to the See of Peter in order to serve the
universal church, your land became a place of special witness to faith
in Jesus Christ," he said. "You were called to give this witness
before the whole world. This vocation of yours is always needed, and
it is perhaps even more urgent than ever, now that the Servant of God
has passed from this life." "Do not deprive the world of this
witness!" Benedict urged. ...
"I ask you, finally, to share with the other
peoples of Europe and the world the treasure of your faith," he
said, "not least as a way of honoring the memory of your countryman,
who, as the Successor of Peter, did this with extraordinary power and
effectiveness," he said. "I ask you to stand firm in your
faith!" Benedict said, echoing the official motto of his four-day
Ved avskjedseremonien før avreisen fortsatte
paven, i følge Allen, på samme måte og sa:
Benedict XVI called on Poles today not only to preserve their Catholic
heritage, but to carry it with them into the construction of a Europe
mindful of its Christian roots. John Paul II prayed that Poland "would
not only find her proper place within a united Europe," Benedict said,
"but would also enrich this continent and the whole world with her tradition."
"Today, as your presence in the family of European states is being constantly
consolidated, I wish with my whole heart to repeat those words of hope,"
Benedict said. "I ask you to remain faithful custodians of the Christian
deposit, and to transmit it to future generations."