juli 2005

Ny biskop i Oslo katolske bispedømme

Torsdag 28/7 sendte biskop Schwenzer følgende e-mail til alle prestene i bispedømmet:

Kjære medbrødre!

Den 29. juli 2005, på festen av hellig Olav, Norges evige konge, har pave Benedikt XVI godtatt biskop Gerhard Schwenzers søknad om å kunne fratre som biskop av Oslo. Samtidig har paven utnevnt augustinerkorherre Markus Bernt Eidsvig til ny biskop av Oslo.

Jeg ønsker min etterfølger hjertelig velkommen. Måtte Gud velsigne ham og hans gjerning.
+ Gerhard Schwenzer

“Konservativ” og “liberal” i Den katolske kirke?

Bloggen Pontifications hadde i går en artikkel skrevet av F. Richard Neuhaus om den ganske typiske inndelingen av Den katolske kirke i konservativ og liberal – bl.a. omtales Det andre vatikankonsil og samtalene og vedtakene der ofte som en kamp mellom disse to motpolene. Neuhaus (og mange med ham) mener at dette ikke er verken fruktbare eller korrekte karakteristikker.

Neuhaus liker bedre å snakke om at «there is a party of continuity (the Catholic center) and a party of discontinuity, with the latter having left and right branches.» (Bloggen Pontifications fins ikke lenger – 2008)

Forholdet mellom den katolske og den ortodokse kirke

Aiden Nichols, OP, har for noen år siden holdt et svært interessant foredrag om forholdet mellom den katolske og den ortodokse kirke – svært informativt. Han har delt inn sitt foredrag i fire underpunkter:

First, I shall discuss why Catholics should not only show some ecumenical concern for Orthodoxy but also treat the Orthodox as their privileged or primary ecumenical partner.

Secondly, I shall ask why the schism between the Catholic and Orthodox churches occurred, focussing as it finally did on four historic ‘dividing issues’.

Thirdly, I shall evaluate the present state of Catholic-Orthodox relations, with particular reference to the problem of the ‘Uniate’ or Eastern Catholic churches.

Fourthly and finally, having been highly sympathetic and complimentary to the Orthodox throughout, I shall end by saying what, in my judgment, is wrong with the Orthodox Church and why it needs Catholicism for (humanly speaking) its own salvation.


Mange besøker pave Johannes Paul II’s grav

Det er en lang kø i Vatikanet av folk som ønsker å besøke pavens grav, selv nå, over tre måneder etter begravelsen:

bq. In addition to the normal logjams created by security screening and checks to ensure modest dress, the lines at St. Peter’s Basilica are longer than the summer norm because of visitors to Pope John Paul II’s tomb.

bq. More than three months after the pope’s April 2 death, the Vatican is still running a separate line just for visitors to his tomb.

bq. The line takes visitors around the outside of St. Peter’s Basilica, directly into the underground grotto, past the tomb and outside again. Those who want to visit the church must then get into a short, quick line.


Carl E. Braaten om lutherske problemer

Den kjente teologen Carl E. Braaten skriver om problemer den lutherske kirke i USA har, og som har ført til at mange kjente lutherske teologer og pastorer har gått over til den katolske eller ortodokse kirken. Hvorfor skjer dette, spør han.

bq. An Open Letter to Bishop Mark Hanson From Carl E. Braaten

bq. Dear Bishop Mark Hanson:

bq. Greetings! I am writing out of a concern I share with others about the theological state of affairs within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The situation might be described as one of “brain drain.” Theologians who have served Lutheranism for many years in various capacities have recently left the ELCA and have entered the Roman Catholic Church or the Orthodox Church in America.

bq. Why?

bq. When Jaroslav Pelikan left the ELCA and became a member of the OCA, I felt it was not terribly surprising. …. A short time before that Robert Wilken, a leading patristics scholar teaching at the University of Virginia, left the ELCA to become a Roman Catholic. Then other Lutheran theological colleagues began to follow suit. …. Why? Leonard Klein, pastor of a large Lutheran parish in York, Pennsylvania, and former editor of Lutheran Forum and Forum Letter, last year left the ELCA to study for the Roman Catholic priesthood. Why? This year Bruce Marshall, who taught theology for about fifteen years at St. Olaf College and was a long-standing member of the International Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue, has left the ELCA to enter the Roman Catholic Church. Why? David Fagerberg, formerly professor of religion at Concordia College, although coming from a strong Norwegian Lutheran family, left the ELCA for the Roman Catholic Church, and now teaches at the University of Notre Dame. Reinhard Huetter, a German Lutheran from Erlangen University, came to the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago fifteen years ago to teach theology and ethics, now teaches at Duke Divinity School, and this year became a Roman Catholic. Why? Mickey Mattox, a theologian who recently served at the Lutheran Ecumenical Institute in Strasbourg and now teaches at Marquette University, has recently begun the process of becoming a Roman Catholic.

bq. In all these cases the transition involves spouses and children, making it incredibly more difficult. Why are they doing this? Is there a message in these decisions for those who have ears to hear?


Helgendyrkelse og avgudsdyrkelse. (??)

Avisen Dagen har 8. juli en svært uheldig bokanmeldelse av en ny bok om helgener, utgitt på Humanist forlag. Anmelderen er aller mest uheldig når han på slutten av sin anmeldelse uttrykker forståelse og enighet med de som kaller katolikkenes forhold til helgener for avgudsdyrkele! Skal Dagen kunne kalles en seriøs, kristen avis og likevel trykke slike ting?

Jeg har vurdert noen dager å skrive et innlegg i avisen, men Nils-Petter Enstad kom meg i dag i forkjøpet i et innlegg han kaller «Respektløs om helgentro», så jeg lar det sannsynligvis være.

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