Tradisjonelle anglikanere søker forening med Roma
I en måneds tid nå har det vært kjent at Tradisjonelle Anglikanere (TAC) har tatt et initiativ for å komme i fullt fellesskap med Den katolske kirke. Vårt Land skrev om dette i går og her er en artikkel hos BBC. Den siste artikkelen handler om irske kirker, mens artikkelen i Vårt Land nevner at det dreier seg om til sammen ca 400.000 anglikanere.
Mange gleder seg over dette, mens andre sier at dette nok kan ta langt tid – og noen ganger har slike ting blitt forsøkt, men ikke blitt fullført. Det er nemlig forholdsvis stor forskjell på å bli katolikk som enkeltperson og å bli forenet med Roma som gruppe. I denne bloggen står det litt mer om hva som har skjedd og hva som videre kan skje.
Bishop Mercer and Bishop Wilkinson flew on to Rome on the 8th of October to deliver a letter to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the 9th. ….. The College of Bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) met in Plenary Session in Portsmouth England in the first week of October 2007.
The Bishops and Vicars-General unanimously agreed on the text of a Letter to the See of Rome seeking full, corporate, and sacramental union. The Letter was signed solemnly by all the College and entrusted to the Primate and two Bishops chosen by the College to be presented to the Holy See.
The Letter was cordially received at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The Primate and College of the TAC have agreed that no member of the College will give interviews until the Holy See has considered the Letter and responded.
As you can imagine, this is only the beginning of a process that will take some time, perhaps many years, to come to fruition. There will be further discussions between the COB and the Holy See with respect to the nature and details of what constitutes “full, corporate, and sacramental union” between the TAC and the See of Rome.