Jaroslav Pelikan døde 13. mai

Den svært kjente teologen, kirkehistorikeren, Jaroslav Pelikan, døde 13. mai, 82 år gammel. Han var det meste av sitt liv lutheraner – hans far var luthersk prest, bestefaren var biskop – men i 1998 gikk han over til den ortodokse kirke.

First Things skriver om ham:
«Jaroslav Pelikan died on Saturday at age eighty-two. The funeral is Wednesday morning at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary in Crestwood, New York, beginning at nine o’clock. Jaroslav Pelikan was in the estimation of many the twentieth century’s most distinguished historian of Christianity. He taught at Yale from 1962 to 1996 and was the immediate past president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. A pastor and the son of a pastor of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, Pelikan entered into communion with the Orthodox Church in 1998.

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