Er det virkelig slik at de unge ønsker tradisjonell musikk i messen?

En artikkel i NLM viser til et stykke i The Washington Post, som er ganske kritisk til den gamle, katolske 70-talls-musikken. Det er de gamle som vil ha den slags moderne musikk i vår tid, sies det, mens de unge vil ha gregoriansk sang. Forfatteren setter det en del på spissen, og overdriver nok i hvor stor grad de unges konservative smak nå bestemmer sang- og musikkvalget i menighetene, men det han skriver er svært interessant. Les selv og se:

Imagine a bizarro world where all the 25-year-olds want Mozart and all the 60-year-olds want adult-contemporary. The kids think the adults are too wild. The backlash against «Kumbaya Catholicism» has anyone under 40 allegedly clamoring for the Tridentine Mass in Latin, while the old folks are most sentimental about Casual Sunday (even more rockin’, the Saturday vigil Mass), and still cling to what’s evolved from the lite-rock guitar liturgies of the 1970s. The result, for most parishes, has been decades of Masses in which no one is entirely satisfied, and very few enjoy the music enough to sing along.

«The great majority [of Catholics] are totally inert at Mass,» says Thomas Day, 65, a humanities and music professor at Salve Regina University in Newport, R.I. Day wrote a book called «Why Catholics Can’t Sing: The Culture of Catholicism and the Triumph of Bad Taste,» which is often cited by those who’d like to see a return to Mass music that is to them more sacred. «Most Catholics have either forgotten or never knew traditional music,» Day says.

[….] Tucker characterized most Catholic church parishes as ruled by a «hard-core» group that «is fanatically attached to music of the 1970s and fears even the slightest hint of solemnity, warning darkly that the new priest is going to take the parish into a new Dark Age.»

In news stories with a «conservative Catholics» angle, the church’s most faithful frequently mention the nightmare of Mass as it was in the decades after the Second Vatican Council. Loaded words like «hippie» and «total mess» and «Brady Bunch» get thrown around. There are stories of suburban churches built in mod, saucer-shaped architecture. («Lots of guitars and banjoes,» a 32-year-old Catholic man moaned to The Post’s Metro section the other day, recalling the church scene of his youth. «I felt uncomfortable about it constantly.»)

So really it’s a retro movement, but instead of «I Love the ’80s» (or ’70s or ’60s), it’s «I Love the 1000s [Up Until 1963],» with Benedict encouraging Catholics toward rediscovering the beauty of the old way. He is on record as thinking of rock music as «anti-Christian,» and once fretted (according to his memoirs) over Bob Dylan’s appearance with Pope John Paul II in 1997. Benedict canceled a Vatican Christmas concert in 2006, fearing it far too pop in nature. He also shuns guitars in church. (Sister has been in big trouble lately. The pope doesn’t like her music, isn’t so wild about some of her politics, and when it comes to her role in priestly matters, don’t even go there.)

Tucker says the music debates going on in parishes nationwide present a more serious issue for American Catholics, «having to do with what is appropriate at liturgy, what is timeless, what is sacred — but the [young vs. old] demographic element is very difficult to deny.»

5 hendelser på “Er det virkelig slik at de unge ønsker tradisjonell musikk i messen?”

  1. …eller rettere sagt: for hvordan kirkemusikk k a n være.

    «Syng en ny sang for Herren!» (Sal 96, 1)

  2. Maria,

    Hehe, din progressive lurendreier…;) Jeg skrev og mente BØR.
    Forresten en kul finte, det der!

  3. Jeg leser Trond’s kommentarer og er så ufattelig enig med det han skriver. At homosexuelle og pedofile prester har fått innpass i Den Katolske Kirke må være den største ulykke som har rammet DKK! Og spar oss for «liberale» prester og synspunkter, vi trenger en konsekvent Kirke, så vi slipper å gå med en slags kollektiv skyldfølelse og behøve å forklare oss for all verdens uvitende (og de som vet mot bedre vitende, men bare vil skade katolikker!)

    Stå på, Trond!

  4. Terje,

    Mange takk for oppmuntrende ord og lykkeønskninger!

    Det er bare synd at det hviler på legfolk å gjøre noe, for det er hyrdenes ansvar både å vokte får og å passe på at fårene får riktig mat på gode beiter.
    Idag er det jo dessverre slik noen steder at fårene må passe seg mer for hyrdene enn for de farer som truer utenfra og de fores med annen- og tredjerangs for.

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