Troskongregasjonens kardinal William Levada med oppmuntrende brev til the Traditional Anglican Communion

Tidligere i juli skrev kardinal Levada et brev til erkepiskop Hepworth i the Traditional Anglican Communion. Brevet ble mottatt som en oppmuntring og kardinalen nevnte også muligheten for at denne gruppa av konservative anglikanere (totalt ca 400.000) kunne få del i en «corporate reunion» – dvs. ikke bare opptas som enkeltpersoner, og ikke fullt ut måtte integreres i eksisterende katolske menigheter. Slik siteres kardinal Levada av Catholic News Agency:

Cardinal Levada told Archbishop Hepworth that the Congregation has studied the proposals Archbishop Hepworth presented on behalf of the House of Bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion. The proposals had been presented during the archbishop’s October 9, 2007 visit to the Congregation’s dicastery offices.

“As the summer months approach, I wish to assure you of the serious attention which the Congregation gives to the prospect of corporate unity raised in that letter,” Cardinal Levada wrote.

The cardinal noted that the situation within the Anglican Communion in general “has become markedly more complex” since the archbishop’s visit. He wrote that the Congregation will inform Archbishop Hepworth as soon as the Congregation is in a position to “respond more definitively.”

Cardinal Levada closed the letter with a blessing, saying “I assure you of my continued prayers and good wishes for you and your brother bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion.”

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