Kardinal Kurt Koch med en overraskende uttalelse

Engelske The Tablet meldte 26/11 under ‘siste nyheter‘ at den nye lederen av Vatikanets enhetskommisjon hadde sagt følgende om forståelsen av Vatikankonsilet:

The course of the Second Vatican Council must be corrected and the 1970 liturgical reform must itself be reformed if justice is to be done to the Council, Cardinal Kurt Koch, the new head of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity has said. In the public domain, Vatican II had usually been presented as a break with church tradition but this interpretation was only possible because the Council declarations had been read selectively and not taken as a whole, Cardinal Koch told the Austrian Catholic online news service kath.net on 19 November.

De som kan tysk, kan lese det ganske grundige intervjuet med kardinal Koch her.

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