Et annet perspektiv på synspunktene til den britiske Vatikan-ambassadøren

Jeg skrev for et par dager siden at referatet av synspunktene til Storbritannias ambassadør til Vatikanet – om pave Benedikts generøse initiativ til anglikanere som vile bli katolikker – ikke kunne være korrekt. Men William Oddie på sin side mener det var korrekt nok, men at det viser et annet problem:

The WikiLeaks revelation late last week of the contents of part of the conversation at a dinner in Rome held by Francis Campbell, now (thank heavens) former British ambassador to the Vatican, shows among much else how important it is that he be replaced by someone who understands a little more about what is and has been going on between Rome, Britain and (among other things) the Church of England. …

Oddie sier også at virkelige økumeniske samtaler mellom Vatikanet og anglikanerne døde for ca 20 år siden, da anglikanerne også i England begynte å ordinere kvinnelige prester:

The dinner, in honour of Rowan Williams during one of his periodic courtesy trips to Rome (for that is all they can be after the Church of England – having been repeatedly warned over more than half a century by Pope Paul and then by Pope John Paul of the consequences of women’s ordination – pulled out the rug from any further ecumenical progress nearly 20 years ago by doing it anyway), was attended by assorted Vatican officials and diplomats, including the American ambassador to the Vatican. …

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