Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui abundántia pietátis tuæ

Father Z. skriver før dagens søndagsmesse – 11. søndag etter pinse i den tradisjonelle kalenderen – at messen alltid handler om hva Kristus gjør for oss. Han skriver så en hel del om dagens kollektbønn:

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui abundántia pietátis tuæ et mérita súpplicum excédis et vota: effúnde super nos misericórdiam tuam; ut dimittas quæ consciéntia métuit, et adjícias quod orátio non præsúmit.

Norsk oversettelse (1961):

Allmektige evige Gud, du som i overfloden av din faderkjærlighet gir dem som ber, langt mer enn de fortjener og ønsker, la din miskunn strømme ut over oss, så du tar bort det som vår samvittighet frykter, og gir det som bønnen ikke våger å be om.

Father Z. bokstavtro oversettelse til engelsk:

Almighty and everlasting God, who in the abundance of Your goodness surpass both the merits and the rayerful vows of suppliants, pour forth Your mercy upon us, so that You set aside those things which our conscience fears, and apply what our prayer dares not.

Til slutt i innlegget skriver han om messen mer generelt:

… St. Augustine (+430) says that Jesus “prays for us as our priest, prays in us as our Head, and is prayed to by us as our God. Therefore, let us acknowledge our voice in Him and His in us” (en Ps 85, 1).

Holy Mass is all about what Christ does for us.

Mass is a sacred action in which God is the principal actor. By our baptism we participate actively in His sacred action. Christ is the Head, we the Body. He takes our voices and makes them His own. Our actions become His. We must therefore never usurp the liturgy, change it around to suit our tastes. With Christ’s own authority Holy Church gives us the Mass. She alone provides the proper prayers and rubrics.

When we pray as Holy Church directs, bending our will to hers, our earthly voices ring authentically with the celestial, and ecclesial, voice of the Risen Christ.

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