20. oktober: Den hellige Johannes av Kety (1390-1473)

Johannes av Kety er vernehelgen for Polen og Litauen, og ble feiret i den tradisjonelle kalenderen i dag – der vi leste i matutin:

John was born at Kenty, (whence the surname Cantius), a town in the diocese of Cracow. His parents Stanislaus and Anna, were devout honorable people. From his very infancy John gave promise of the greatest virtue by the sweetness and innocence of his way. After his ordination to the priesthood he redoubled his efforts to the Christian perfection. He administered the parish of Olkusz for several years with notable success, and then returned to teaching. Part of the time left him from this occupation he gave to the salvation of his neighbor, especially through preaching, and the rest to prayer. He came four times to the Apostolic See traveling on foot and carrying his own baggage, both to honor the Apostolic See, and as he said, to save himself from the punishments of purgatory, by the indulgences offered there daily. He watchfully preserved a virginal purity, and before his death he had abstained from meat for about thirty-five years. On Christmas Eve he went to the heavenly reward. He was enrolled among the Saints by Pope Clement XIII, and is honored as one of the primary Patrons of Poland and Lithuania.

Jeg må innrømme at jeg knapt har hørt om ham før. Han er fortsatt med i den romerske kalenderen, men er flytett til sin døsdag, 23/12. Og etter 17/12 kan ingen helgener feires, derfor hører vi knapt om ham mer. På katolsk.no kan vi lese bl.a. følgende om ham:

… Hans minnedag ble satt inn i den romerske kalenderen i 1770. Den ble tidligere feiret den 20. oktober, men etter kalenderrevisjonen i 1969 feires han nå den 23. desember, og hans navn står i Martyrologium Romanum. Hans bolig og privatkapell på det tidligere universitetsområdet i Kraków er fortsatt bevart. I kunsten fremstilles han som prest med kors og monstrans, ofte også med en Mariaåpenbaring. I 1737 ble han utnevnt til skytshelgen for Polen og Litauen av pave Klemens XII (1730-40).

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