Kirkens martyrer 5. februar

I Prim-bønnen 4. februar leste vi slik om neste dags helgener (man forberedes på dem dagen før):

February 5th anno Domini 2013 The 23rd Day of Moon were born into the better life

At Catania, in Sicily, (in the year 251) the holy Virgin and martyr Agatha. In the time of the Emperor Decius, under the Judge Quinctian, she endured buffeting and imprisonment, racking and torments. Her breasts were cut off, and she was rolled upon potsherds and coals, and at last died in prison, in prayer to God.

In Pontus, are commemorated very many holy martyrs in the persecution under the Emperor Maximian, (fourth century.) Some had molten lead poured upon them, some were tortured by having sharp reeds thrust under their nails, and were tormented with many most grievous sufferings, which were renewed again and again, and so by their illustrious passion earned palms and crowns from the Lord.

At Alexandria, the holy martyr Isidore, who in the persecution under the Emperor Decius was beheaded by Numerian, chief of the army, for Christ’s faith’s sake.

In the empire of Japan, [in the year 1597] twenty-six holy martyrs, [some Franciscans, some their pupils, and three Jesuits killed at Naugazaki,] who were crucified, and then died gloriously, transfixed with spears, while they were praising God and proclaiming His Gospel, whose names were enrolled among those of the saints by the supreme Pontiff Pius IX.

At Vienne, (in Dauphiny,) the blessed Confessor Avitus, (in the year 525,) Bishop of that see, by whose faith, labour, and wonderful teaching Gaul was shielded against the Arian heresy.

At Brixen, holy Genuinus, (or Ingenuinus, in the year 640,) Bishop (of Siben, in the Tyrol,) and Albinus, (in the year 1015,) Bishop [of Brixen,] whose lives were rendered glorious by miracles.

Den hellige Agatha feires 5. februar i både den tradisjonelle og den nye kalenderen, mens Japans martyrer er flyttet til neste dag – fra

De 26 martyrene ble tidligere feiret på dødsdagen 5. februar. I lang tid ble de feiret hovedsakelig i Japan og blant jesuitter og fransiskanere, men i 1970 ble minnedagen tatt inn i den reviderte romerske kalenderen som de første martyrene fra det fjerne østen. Minnedagen ble da flyttet til 6. februar, siden dødsdagen 5. februar er opptatt av den hellige Agathe. Deres navn står i Martyrologium Romanum.

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