Paveaudiensen onsdag

Benedict XVI legger vekt på Herrens kjærlige beskyttelse. Han fortsetter med kommentaren over tidebønnenes salmener som ble påbegynt av pave Johannes Paul II.

VATICAN CITY, MAY 4, 2005 ( God takes care of us lovingly at all times, Benedict XVI said during a commentary of a Psalm at the second general audience of his pontificate.

«All our activity, summarized in the two extreme verbs of ‘going out’ and ‘coming in’ is always under the Lord’s vigilant gaze, every act of ours and all our time, ‘both now and forever,'» the Pope said today in a commentary on Psalm 120(121).

The Holy Father appeared smiling and relaxed as he continued the series of meditations undertaken by Pope John Paul II on the Psalms and canticles of vespers, the evening prayer of the Church.

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