Pave Benedikt snakket i går til ungdommer i Sao Paolo om viktige ting som har med livet og troen å gjøre. Han tok utgangspunkt i teksten om den rike unge mannen, som gikk trist bort etter en samtale med Jesus, fordi han ikke ville gi slipp på sin materielle rikdom.
Hele teksten til pavens tale fins her, og et stykke ute i talen (pkt. 6) sier pave Benedikt at:
«Vi bør tenke på rikdom som ikke bare noe materielt. Å være ung er i seg selv en rikdom, som mennesker bør oppdage og sette pris på. Jesus satte så stor pris på den unge mannen som kom for å be om råd, og inviterte ham til å delta i sin tjeneste for menneskenes frelse. Den unge mannen hadde etstort potensiale og kunne ha utrettet store ting.
But the Gospel goes on to say that this young man, having heard the invitation, was saddened. He went away downcast and sad. This episode causes us to reflect further on the treasure of youth. It is not, in the first place, a question of material wealth, but of life itself, and the values inherent in youth. This wealth is inherited from two sources: life,transmitted from generation to generation, at the ultimate origin of which we find God, full of wisdom and love; and upbringing, which locates us within a culture, to such an extent that we might almost say we are more children of culture and therefore of faith, than of nature. From life springs freedom, which manifests itself, especially in this phase, as responsibility. There comes the great moment of decision, in a twofold choice: firstly, concerning one’s state of life, and secondly concerning one’s profession. It is about providing an answer to the question: what do I do with my life?
In other words, youth appears as a form of wealth because it leads to the discovery of life as a gift and a task. The young man in the Gospel understood that his youth was itself a treasure. He went to Jesus, the good Teacher, in order to seek some direction. At the moment of the great decision, however, he lacked the courage to wager everything on Jesus Christ. In consequence, he went away sad and downcast. This is what happens whenever our decisions waver and become cowardly and self-seeking. He understood that what he lacked was generosity, and this did not allow him to realize his full potential. He withdrew to his riches, turning them to selfishness. Jesus regretted the sadness and the cowardice of the young man who had come to seek him out.»
Ja, hvem våger å følge vår tro ? Det er ikke så lett i våre dager !
Nå kommer blant annet den nye kjønnsnøytrale ekteskapslovgivningen i Norge. Hvor er de katolske protestene ? Ludvig Nessa er nesten alene om å protestere imot vår abortlovgivning. Hvor er de katolske kvinnene iår ? Hvor er ungdommene, menighetsrådene etc ? Det er øredøvende stille. Homolobbyen i Aftenposten, Dagbladet og VG kjører daglig sin agenda, og vi går bare bort for å gjemme oss ??
Claes Tande har også blitt borte fra dagspressen. Jeg savner hans uredde og presise innlegg. Jeg håper inderlig at hans permisjonstid snart er over,,,