Dokumentet om den tridentinske messen ble presentert onsdag

Onsdag ettermiddag ble 30 sentrale biskoper overrakt pavens motu proprio om den tridentinske messen. Pave Benedikt ønsket tydeligvis at de skulle se dokumentet på en mer passende måte enn gjennom avisene. Selve offentliggjøringen av dokumentet (på tre sider) og pavens følgebrev (på fire sider) er visst satt til lørdag 7. juli.

The motu proprio liberating the Tridentine Mass for the entire Catholic Church was given Wednesday afternoon to about 30 bishops from all over the world in the Sala Bologna of the Apostolic Palace by Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone. The bishops had been invited to Rome for that purpose.

At the end of the meeting, in which the motu proprio was introduced together with a letter of explanation by Pope Benedict XVI., Pope Benedict met with the bishops. The document is about three pages long, the accompanying letter about four. From Germany, Cardinal Lehmann (the head of the German bishops conference) had been invited. The circumstances of the procedure make clear that the Pope was very interested to personally inform the bishops, in collegial manner, of the content rather than have them learn about it from the media.

The publication of both documents will take place on July 7th. It emphasizes the unity of the Roman Rite which will consist of an ordinary and an extraordinary form which are supposed to inspire each other. The ordinary/regular form will continue to be the new rite of 1969. The extraordinary form will be the Missal of Bl. John XXIII. of 1962.

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