Pave Benedikt fortsatte sin gjennomgang av Augustins liv under gårsdagens audiens, og hans nylig avlyste besøk på et av Romas viktige universiteter ble også markert av mange, men ikke av paven selv. Fra AsiaNews:
At the general audience, a group of students demonstrate their solidarity with Benedict XVI, who declined to participate in the inauguration of the academic year of the La Sapienza university of Rome, because of opposition from a small group of teachers and students. To those present, the pope again illustrated the figure of Saint Augustine.
«Freedom, Freedom!»: the shout raised by a group of university students of the Communion and Liberation movement, at the beginning of today’s general audience, met with warm applause from the six thousand persons present in the Paul VI audience hall, and was an echo of the decision Benedict XVI took yesterday not to go to the La Sapienza university of Rome. The decision was due to opposition from a small group of teachers and students, against the invitation that had been extended to him to participate in the inauguration of the academic year.
Her er en engelsk oppsummering av pavens gjennomgang av den hellige Augustins liv: Our catechesis this week is again centred on the life and writings of the great Doctor of the Church, Saint Augustine.
Some four years before he died, Augustine designated his successor in the See of Hippo, desiring to devote the rest of his life to the study of the Scriptures. Nevertheless, those proved to be years of extraordinary activity, as the aged Bishop sought to reconcile divided Christians and to bring peace to the troubled African provinces of the Empire.
During the Vandal invasion of Africa, Augustine found solace in reflection on the mystery of God’s providence. The world, he said, is growing old and failing, yet Christ remains eternally young and brings renewed youth to those who put their faith in him.
Amid the calamities of the time, he encouraged the clergy not to abandon their flock, but to offer the supreme witness of Christian charity. Augustine died in 431, during the siege of Hippo, having devoted his last days to penance and prayer. At last his great heart found its rest in God.
Today, as in past centuries, may Augustine’s example and the rich treasury of his writings be a source of instruction, inspiration and strength as the Church makes her pilgrim way to the fullness of God’s Kingdom.