Jesuittene har siden søndag 6/1 vært samlet i kirken Il Jesu i Roma, for å vege ny general og snakke om ordenens framtid, og grunnene til nedgangen ordenen opplever. Dette kan vi lese hos www.chiesa:
The Vatican authorities have already said what they expect from the order: more obedience to the pope, and more fidelity to doctrine. …
The assembly will elect the new superior general of the Society, in the place of the outgoing Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. And on February 21, Benedict XVI will hold an audience with the newly elected head, together with the delegates who have come to Rome representing the almost twenty thousand Jesuits all over the world.
Moreover, the congregation will discuss a report on the Society’s strengths and weaknesses, and a dozen questions concerning the identity and mission of the Jesuits in today’s world. Including their vow of special obedience to the pope.
The discussion will last for several weeks, and will be held behind closed doors. But it is already known what the critical points will be. These were indicated with words that were sometimes harsh, in the homily for the Mass that opened the session on January 7, from an authoritative non-Jesuit: cardinal Franc Rodé, prefect of the congregation for institutes of consecrated life.
It is easy to guess that cardinal Rodé expressed the thought and expectations of Benedict XVI. One thing that preoccupies the Church’s leadership is the influence that the Jesuits have on the bearing of the other religious orders, and on the formation of priests and theology students in the many schools and universities that the Society operates all over the world, beginning with the Pontifical Gregorian University, which prepares many future bishops.
«It is with sorrow and anxiety,» Rodé said in the homily, «that I see that the ‘sentire cum ecclesia’ of which your founder St Ignatius frequently spoke is diminishing in some members of religious families.»
And again: «With sadness and anxiety I also see a growing distancing from the hierarchy. The Ignatian spirituality of apostolic service ‘under the Roman Pontiff’ does not allow for this separation.»
På tide! Hele ordenen burde midlertidig undertrykkes. Det ble gjort av Pius XI (om jeg ikke husker feil) Teilhardismen er et grusomt modernistkjetteri uten sidestykke og ordenen er infisert av denne ugudelige og antikristelige, åndelige søppelfyllingen.
Jeg snakket en gang med en gammel jesuitt utenlands, som gråt bitre tårer over sin ordens forfall og sa den burde avvikles, renses og så gjenoppstå som Kristi elitesoldater på ny.
Nå kommenterer du litt over stokk og stein, Trond.
Og jesuittene ble forbudt litt før år 1800, av politiske grunner, det har ikke noe å gjøre med at mange av dagens jesuitter er for liberale.
Neida, selvsagt har ikke forbudet den gang noe med dagens problematikk å gjøre. (Jeg husket dog i farten ekstremt feil med tidspunktet og takker for korreksjon) Jeg skulle ha skrevet det annereldes, slik at en slik misoppfatning ikke kunne oppstå.