Intervju med pavens nye seremonimester

Jeg leste i går et intervju med pave Benedikts nye (og mer tradisjonelle) seremonimester, Msgr Guido Marini. Han begynte sin gjerning i fjor høst, og har allerede (i forståelse med paven, selvsagt) forandra mange ting i de pavelige liturgiene. (På bildet står han sammen med paven og det nye (gamle) proesjonskorset som ble tatt i bruk palmesøndag – som erstatning for pave Johannes Paul’s mer moderne kors.)

I intervjuet snakker han bl.a. om betydningen av å ha et krusifiks på alteret, og om hvorfor frigivelsen av den gamle messen er så viktig:

«The position of the Cross at the centre of the altar – says Marini – indicates the centrality of the Crucified in the eucharistic celebration and the precise interior orientation which the entire congregation is called to have during the eucharistic liturgy: one does not look at each other, but one looks to Him who has been born, has died and is risen for us, the Saviour. From the Lord comes the salvation, He is the Orient, the Sun which rises to whom we all must turn our gaze, from Whom we all must receive the gift of grace. The question of liturgical orientation, and also the practical manner in which it takes shape, is of great importance, because through it is conveyed a fundamental fact, at once theological and anthropological, ecclesiological and relevant for the personal spirituality.» … …

«Considering attentively the Motu proprio, as well as the letter addressed by the Pope to the bishops of all the world to present it, a twofold precise understanding emerges. First of all, that of facilitating the accomplishing of «a reconciliation in the bosom of the Church»; and in this sense, as has been said, the Motu proprio is a most beautiful act of love towards the unity of the Church. In second place, and this is a fact which must not be forgotten, that [sc. understanding] of favouring a reciprocal enrichment between the two forms of the Roman rite: in such a way, for instance, that in the celebration according to the Missal of Paul VI (ordinary form of the Roman rite) ‘can become manifest, more powerfully than has been the case hitherto, the sacrality which attracts many people to the ancient usage’.»

Les mer om dette her.

1 hendelser på “Intervju med pavens nye seremonimester”

  1. Utrolig kjekt å se at Pave Benedict XVI har byttet ut det andre krusifikset (som av noen sies å ligne en satanistisk fremstilling av korsfestelsen) til et flott tradisjonelt krusifiks. Jeg ser ikke hvordan den nye messen kan berike den nye, motsatt vei forøvrig er det mye mulig vi får se forbedringer, men på lang sikt så er nok NO dødt.

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