Liturgiske forandringer for katolikker i Australia

Erkebiskop Mark Coleridge i Canberra og Goulburn, Australia, har nylig skrevet et svært interessant dokument om liturgien – det kan man lese i sin helhet her (pdf). Jeg kommer tilbake til dette dokumentet snart (for det er svært interessant), men her vil jeg bare nevne de to forandringene som er innført i Australia fra 11. mai.

The General Instruction sets out how Mass is to be celebrated in the Roman Rite, and the new version has been drawn up in the light of forty years of experience of Mass celebrated according to the Missal of Paul VI. The changes it introduces are not great. For the celebrant there are a number of changes, but for the people there are just two:

The congregation stands immediately after the celebrant has said “Pray, brothers and sisters, that our sacrifice will be pleasing and acceptable to God, the almighty Father” and before praying “May the Lord accept this sacrifice…”.

Denne forandringen ble innført i Norge for ca 4 år siden, da den internasjonale GIRM (General Instructions for the Roman Missal) kom ut i ny utgave. I noen land har så bispekonferansen gjort noen små forandringer i teksten (og fått dem godkjent i Vatikanet – i USA har man bl.a. bestemt at alle SKAL stå!). I Australia har man nå bestemt at alle skal bøye seg ærbødig før de mottar kommunion; det har jeg ikke hørt at man har vudert å innføre i Norden – men det er en svært god idé.

Before receiving Holy Communion, communicants bow to the One they are about to receive. Bowing is the preferred gesture, but those who are accustomed to genuflect before receiving or to kneel to receive will be free to follow their custom.

I et eget dokument som blir delt ut til kirkegjengere i Australia forklares disse forandringene slik:

Some Changes in the Celebration of Mass

On Sunday May 11, this year, Catholics in Australia will be asked to make two changes in the way we celebrate Mass. The Holy See has approved an English translation of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) which guides the way we celebrate the Eucharist and accompanies the third Latin edition of the Missale Romanum.

The First Change relates to a Posture

At present when the priest invites the people to pray at the Preparation of the Gifts we remain seated until we have responded ‘May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands to the praise and glory of His name, for our good, and the good of all His Church.’ And then we stand for the Prayer over the Gifts.

From Sunday May 11, 2008 you will be asked to STAND when the priest invites you to pray.
‘Pray brethren that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God the Almighty Father.’
(We STAND and respond) ‘May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands to the praise and glory of His name, for our good, and the good of all His Church.’ (GIRM 46)

Why stand? The posture for prayer whether it be standing or kneeling reflects something of our relationship with God and helps define that relationship. To stand in response to the priest’s invitation is a sign of our readiness to enter into the great prayer which will follow ie: the Eucharistic Prayer which the priest prays on behalf of the gathered assembly. To stand is to make a formal recognition of the importance of that invitation.

The Second Change relates to a Gesture

The Communion Procession is a most important ritual act in the celebration of Mass. It is the time when those disposed to receiving Holy Communion come as the Body of Christ to receive the Body of Christ. We are individuals, yet we constitute something more in this procession.

The Australian edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal says: “When approaching to receive Holy Communion, the faithful bow in reverence of the Mystery that they are to receive.” (GIRM 160)

The Communicant might bow just before receiving Holy Communion or perhaps while the person in front of them is receiving Holy Communion. Such a bow can be done simply, without disrupting the flow of the Communion Procession. Above all the Communion Procession should be reverent, ordered and never rushed.

The General Instruction also provides for a Communion hymn or song to be sung during the procession. Its purpose is to unify the assembly as it receives Holy Communion and to assist worshippers as they prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.

As with any change it will take some time to become accustomed to the change in posture and the new gesture. Some will be quicker than others in making the change, but with a little patience and quiet concentration there should be no confusion or disruption to the flow of the Mass. Be ready now for these changes at Mass from Sunday May 11, 2008.

Bishops Commission for the Liturgy 2008

1 hendelser på “Liturgiske forandringer for katolikker i Australia”

  1. Jeg har sett GIRM for USA, og hva de skriver om kneling for å motta kommunion er faktisk ganske sjokerende:

    «The norm for reception of Holy Communion in the dioceses of the United States is standing. Communicants should not be denied Holy Communion because they kneel. Rather, such instances should be addressed pastorally, by providing the faithful with proper catechesis on the reasons for this norm.»

    Ser forøvrig ut som dette er gode forandringer, spesielt at de skal bøye seg før de mottar kommunion.

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