Om gradvis innføring av en ny katolsk messe i USA

Jeg spurte om innføringa av den nye messen i Norge i et tidligere innlegg. Jeg har fått oppgitt navnet på en person som sannsynligvis vet mye om dette, og som jeg skal ringe snart, og personer jeg har snakka med i Stavanger gir inntrykk av at den nye liturgien ikke kom som et sjokk på folk. Forandringene kom gradvis (men her må jeg spørre etter flere detaljer) og i alle fall de første åra etter 1969 ble den nye messen feira på en fin og verdig måte.

Jeg fant også på en amerkansk nettside eksempler på hvordan forandringene i messen kom nokså gradvis flere steder der:

I’ve never been able to quite catch on to the whole carrying-on about «rupture» … with slow and careful implementation and good cetechesis I went almost seamlessly from the Mass of 1962 as permitted by the bishop, which was the dialogue Missa Cantata, right to the current Mostly-Sung Dialogue Mass in the Known Tongue …

… We were already responding to everything, in Latin. And we all already knew the Known Tongue (English) version of the Our Father, and its adapted chant. So we had to learn the Known Tongue versions of the Confiteor, the Holy, and the Agnus Dei, and one musical setting for the last two. That takes more than three months?

Or was this diocese coming straight from the Old Old Mass. the one where only the priest and altar boy prayed Mass and everyone else recited the rosary and the prayers on the petpetual novena card? …

… I remember the Old Rite fondly, and we all prayed the Mass. I prefer those days and that Mass to the profanity circus taking place in most our parishes, where people don’t even bother to genuflect to the Most Holy of Holies. ….

… The teaching about how to pray and sing the Mass began, where I was, a couple of years before I was born, in the early to mid 1950s. Changing languages just made it less difficult to do. ….

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