Det er ganske trist, syns jeg, at den første jøden som noen gang får tale til en katolsk bispesynode – om Bibelen, et naturlig tema – benytter anledningen til å kritisere pave Pius XII. Om to dager feirer pave Benedikt en høytidelig messe for å minnes den tidligere pavens død. Her er nyheten:
The first rabbi ever to address a Synod of Bishops today praised the church’s commitment to dialogue with Jews, but he also issued a reminder of Jewish/Catholic tensions by indirectly criticizing the late Pope Pius XII, the wartime pope whose alleged silence during the Holocaust has long been a subject of controversy.
On Thursday, Benedict XVI will lead a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pius XII in 1958.
At the end of a brief speech to the synod this afternoon on the Jewish approach to the Bible, Rabbi Shear-Yashuv Cohen alluded to the controversies over Pius XII. “We cannot forget the sad and painful fact of how many, including great religious leaders, didn’t raise a voice in the effort to save our brethren, but chose to keep silent and help secretly,” said Cohen, the Chief Rabbi of Haifa in Israel.
“We cannot forgive and forget, and we hope you understand our pain, our sorrow,” Cohen said, speaking in English to an audience of some 253 cardinals, archbishops and bishops, as well as Benedict XVI.
Cohen never mentioned Pius XII by name, though in context the reference seemed obvious. Earlier in the day Cohen gave an interview to Reuters in which he said that had he realized his visit to the Vatican would coincide with ceremonies commemorating the death of Pius XII, he might not have come.
Først masse snikksnakk om at jødene ikke drepte Jesus, tross at det står i Bibelen. Dernest en haug om at jødenes pakt gjelder, som om Jesus aldri oppfylte den. Så er det reviderte langfredagsbønner, fra borttakingen av perfidis judæi til den nye benedictinske langfredagsbønnen i TLM.
Men nei, dette er så klart ikke nok for dem. ADL og sionistiske, semisekulære jøder gir seg tilsynelatende aldri.
Interessant å merke seg at de som driver «dialog» med Kirken aldri er av det ortodokse jødiske slaget.
Kanskje noen av biskopene på bibelkonferansen kunne nevnt f.eks St. Simon av Trent for å skaffe en slags likevekt i fornærmelsene?