Positive og negative ting om den liturgiske bevegelse

Jeg leste ferdig Ole Martin Stamnestrøs doktoravhandling om den liturgiske bevegelse (som jeg nevnte også her) sist søndag, og den har gitt meg en hel del ny innsikt. En del er positivt med denne bevegelsen – som bl.a. pavene Pius X og (langt på vei også) Pius XII støtta – men en del ting utvikla seg etter hvert negativt – etter mitt syn.

Som et eksempel på det negative vil jeg vise til noen av reformene til Pius Parsch; mest negativt er det at han forandrer liturgien uten tillatelse, og etter eget forgodtbefinnende. Slik skriver Stamnestrø:

The Liturgical Movement increasingly voiced opinions not only on how liturgy should be celebrated within the framework of existing rubrics, but also on how the Roman Rite should change to incorporate the new ideas. Pius Parsch (of Klosterneuburg) makes it clear that there were two ways of achieving these new aims of the movement, either by patiently lobbying Rome, or by simply going ahead. …

In 1935 St. Gertrude’s (Parsch’s church) was cleared of all statues and Mass versus populum was introduced. The altar was plain and bare with neither crucifix nor candles, but with a cross hanging above, and two candles in front. Parsch outlines the structure of Mass at this time: The introit was sung by everyone in German. The ordinary was sung in Latin alternating between the schola cantorum and the people. … Then would follow a gospel procession through the church ending up back at the ambo where the gospel was sung in German. … A nun and the children decked the communion table (distinct from the altar) with white linen. Everyone shared the peace, and during Holy Communion the congregation received in one kind only around the communion table, but were invited to drink the purification wine. … Mass ended with everyone singing together the Song of the three holy children during the recession and the congregation would then go singing together to a communal meal afterwards.

Rubrics are no longer followed to the letter, although too dramatic a departure is prevented by having the celebrant reciting most of the prayers in Latin at the altar. Contemporary liturgical law is broken on a number of points in order to accommodate some of the new ideas of the Liturgical Movement based on scholarship revealing some discoveries of the worship of the Early Church.

Although Reid maintains that objective principles governed Parsch’s work at St. Gertrude’s, it would appear that on some points the rite used in that church had neither the authority of rubrics nor of firm evidence of the nature of early liturgies, but was based on subjective grounds; the guesses and idiosyncrasies of Pius Parsch.

1 hendelser på “Positive og negative ting om den liturgiske bevegelse”

  1. Dette er en MEGET interessant utvikling, må jeg si.
    Norske prestestudenter som skriver avhandlinger om et tema som dette lover godt for fremtiden!
    Det ser ut som om tiden med modernistemner går mot slutten, gudskjelov.

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