Jeg leste i dag (og prøvde det også – det bør alle Roma-elskere gjøre) at Google Earth har lagt til en funksjon der man kan se Roma slik byen så ut da den var på sitt største, i år 320 e.Kr. På bloggen the GadgetGuy kan vi lese mer om denne nye funksjonen i Google Earth:
Google have worked with the University of Virginia’s the Rome Reborn Project, plus the University of California, to produce a 3D model of Rome as it was in 320 AD, a period of time when Rome was at its population peak, with more than 1 million people choosing the then centre of the civilised world as home. …
Within the 3D model there are 6,700 buildings, 11 of which you can zoom in and explore inside – including the Basilica of Maxentius, Colosseum, Forum of Julius Caesar, Ludus Magnus, Temple of Venus and Rome, Temple of Vesta, Regia, Basilica Iulia, Basilica Aemelia, Curia Iulia, Tabularium.
As with all map mash-ups, there’s more to it than simply flying about the 3D map – you can find out more about 250 sites within the city by clicking on information bubbles. Click once and receive a general overview of the site, click twice and obtain more detailed information, such as a topographical encyclopedia, ancient literary sources and bibliographical information.