I noen sakristier har man visst både bildet av Peter martyren som oppfordrer til stillhet, samt et stort skilt som sier «silentium» – uten at det nytter. I en interessant artikkel på NLM-bloggen i dag fokuseres det på den viktige stillheten i sakristiet, som det så ofte er så vanskelig å oppnå. Spesielt før sændagens høymesse og andre messer der det skal skje mye, og mange ministranter er med, kan det ofte bli mye bråk og stress.
I artikkelen jeg referer til, står det bl.a.:
In practice what has often happened is that our sacristies have come to be viewed as merely utilitarian and divorced from the liturgy itself. They are simply seen as rooms for servers and clergy to vest — «backstage» if you will — often stripped of the ceremonial actions of vesting, devoid of vesting prayers and so on. While socializing can be nice of course, the sacristy should ideally be, before Mass, a place of preparation; not simply material preparation but spiritual preparation. After Mass it is a place of prayerful thanksgiving for the sacred mysteries worthily offered.
Men i instruksene for messen, GIRM 2002, står det i art. 45:
Even before the celebration itself, it is commendable that silence to be observed in the church, in the sacristy, in the vesting room, and in adjacent areas, so that all may dispose themselves to carry out the sacred action in a devout and fitting manner.