Jeg har i kveld lest mange rapporter (bl.a. denne) fra Richard Neuhaus’ begravelse i the Church of the Immaculate Conception på Manhattan sist tirsdag, bl.a. følgende:
It was a beautiful service witnessing to the Faith of Fr. Neuhaus, that is, the Faith to which he belonged and and which he served, a Faith shared, certainly, by nearly all who filled the church for the two-hour service. (It was standing room only.) Five bishops served (Cardinal Egan was in Rome but sent a message read from the pulpit after the liturgy), and perhaps 65 priests. The Sisters of Life were there in good number. I was struck how much hymnography has done the work of ecumenism, as did Fr. Neuhaus. We sang The Church’s One Foundation, a magnificent hymn, words penned by Samuel Welsey, I believe. I saw many familiar faces afterwards–Protestants and Catholics–for Fr. Neuhaus touched the lives and work of many.
På bønnekoret som ble delt ut i messen stod det følgende Neuhaus-sitat:
«Whatever little growth in holiness I have experienced, whatever strength I have received from the company of the saints, whatever understanding I have attained of God and his ways — these and all other gifts I have received I will bring gratefully to the throne. But in seeking entry to that heavenly kingdom, I will, with Dysmas, look to Christ and Christ alone.
Then I hope to hear him say, ‘Today, you will be with me in paradise,’ as I hope with all my being — because, although looking to him alone, I am not alone — he will say to all.»
First Things har på denne sida samla nekrologer om tidsskriftets tidligere redaktør – over 40 stk. De har også lagt ut på nett ei samling bilder. De to første viser hans ordinasjon, i 1991, av kardinal O’Connor, og Avery Dulles som tar på ham messehakelen etter ordinasjonen. De to siste bildene viser Neuhaus sammen med presidentene Reagan og George W. Bush.