BBC Radio 4 sendte 16/2 en interessant diskusjon om SSPX-saken i sin programserie ‘Beyond Belief’. Deltakere i debatten var Rev. Dr Alcuin Reid, Francis Davis fra Blackfriars, Oxford og Catherine Pepinster fra The Tablet. Her er en direkte lenke til programmet (mp3-fil).
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Rev Dr Alcuin Reid is an orthodox Catholic, Francis Davis is a «Neo-conservative» Catholic and La Pepinster is a classic «Modernist» Catholic.
Reid was far and away the most coherent in the discussion. The others were disappointing by dint either of inconsistency, and even incoherence, or else by entertaining the fantastic notion that the Body of Christ could somehow change its whole constitution and did so at the Second Vatican Council – a manifestly heterodox view itself roundly refuted and condemned by the Council itself.
… Strangely, I found Francis Davis the least convincing, indeed bordering on the incoherent. La Pepinster just gave the standard Modernist line but was at least consistent in so doing.
Jeg hørte selv på programmet tidligere i dag, og er enig i vurderinga av hvordan de tre debattantene klarte seg i diskusjonen.