Enda sterkere reaksjoner på SSPX-biskops uttalelser
Biskop Willamsons uttalelser skaper stadig mer oppstyr, og det nytter visst ikke at både pave Benedikt og biskop Fellay selv stadig sier at de ikke har noen sympatier med teorier som setter spørsmålstegn ved Holocaust; at ca 6 millioner jøder ble drept under andre verdenskrig.
I noen land møter man nå direkte kritikk av paven (bildet fra Der Spiegel, nr 6 2009, er et sjokkerende eksempel på det. Og i USA har 50 katolske senatorer skrevet og bedt paven enda en gang bekrefte det de vet han mener. Fra Washington Post:
Fifty Catholic members of Congress have written Pope Benedict XVI, asking him to directly reject the views of British-born Bishop Richard Williamson, who has denied the scale of the Holocaust. Benedict last week reinstated Williamson and three other bishops who have rejected the church’s teachings from the second Vatican Council. An excerpt:
«We understand that . . . you do not share in his views. And we welcome your recent statement expressing ‘full and indisputable solidarity’ with the Jewish people. But this is too sensitive an issue to be handled without a direct repudiation of Bishop Williamson’s views. As a spiritual leader and the head of the Catholic Church, we believe it is vital that you publicly state your unequivocal position on this matter so that it is clear where the Church stands on one of the most consequential events of the 20th century. To neglect to do so is to allow others to portray it as they wish and impede the progress made over so many years toward harmony and reconciliation.»