Tidligere i dag feiret pave Benedikt en messe på fireårsdagen for pave Johannes Paul II’s død, og han begynte sin preken i messen slik:
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Four years ago, exactly today, my beloved Predecessor, the Servant of God John Paul II, ended his pilgrimage on earth, after not a brief period of great suffering. We celebrate the Holy Eucharist for the repose of his soul, while thanking the Lord for giving him to the Church for so many years as zealous and generous Pastor. His memory, which continues to be alive in people’s heart, brings us together this afternoon, as demonstrated also by the uninterrupted pilgrimage of faithful to his tomb in the Vatican Grottoes. Therefore, I preside over this Mass with emotion and joy, while greeting you and thanking you for your presence, dear faithful coming from different parts of the world, especially from Poland, for such a significant event.
Resten av hans preken kan leses her (i engelsk oversettelse). Tre nydelige bilder viser litt av det som skjedde; man må nok si at Vatikanet/Peterskirken i større og større grad framstår som et lysende eksempel for hvordan messene bør feires i vår tid.