“Jag skall träda fram till Guds altare”

I Sverige har man trykt en ny utgave av 1962-missalet! – riktignok bare med messens ordinarium. Og biskop Arborelius skriver i forordet til boka bl.a.:

Utan den heliga mässan kan vi inte överleva som katolska kristna. Eukaristin är den viktigaste födan för vårt liv och vår tro. Mysterium fidei, trons mysterium, firas inför våra ögon och öron. Den korsfäste och förhärligade Herren blir närvarande i hela sin frälsande verklighet. […]

Som katoliker kan vi alltid vara förvissade om att Jesus Kristus blir närvarande när mässoffret bärs fram. […]

Vi måste återupptäcka den atmosfär av tillbedjan inför Kristi fulla närvaro, som borde prägla alla våra katolska kyrkor. […]

Det är min önskan att alla som deltar i eukaristins firande enligt 1962 års ordning skall få hjälp genom detta missale att tränga in i mässans innersta verklighet och helgas genom möte med den förhärligade Kristus.

Jeg fant nyheten på Rorate Cæli i dag, og der kan vi lese:

This morning’s mail brought a package from a good friend in Stockholm: The newly published Missale Parvum. Although not as extravagant as some of the new Missals seen in recent years, the appearance of this Latinsk-Svensk Missal is in many ways far more significant as it is the first Swedish language edition of the 1962 Missal to be published in more than forty years and is arguably the first to bear the imprimatur of a Swedish bishop in centuries. Publication of the new Missal was prompted by the growing number of traditional Catholics in the country who were highly instrumental in bringing it about. … …

The majority of the roughly 200,000 Catholics in present-day Sweden belong to non-Swedish ethnic groups with Poles being the largest of these, followed by Croats and Hispanics. Interestingly it is ethnic Swedes, most of whom are converts from Swedish Protestantism, who form the bulk of the traditional Catholic community. How things will develop from here will be worth keeping an eye on. The Church which had once almost completely disappeared from Sweden is now returning to, what is in some ways, a clean slate. Swedes in general did not suffer from the post-conciliar tumult that ravaged the Catholic world in the late 20th century largely because the Church was only marginally present among, or accessible to the Swedish people during most of that period. Today’s emerging convert population has a choice between two rites of equal footing. … …

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