Pave Benedikts synspunkter diskuteres i England

I England raser debatten over pave Benedikts protest mot den foreslåtte nye loven ang ansettelser, som heller ikke vil tillate kirkesamfunn å være «diskrimninerende» på noen måte. Fra the Times, som har tatt med dette flotte bildet av paven:

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster today attempted to defuse a row that threatens to overshadow the Pope’s forthcoming visit to Britain by claiming that Benedict XVI was merely giving voice to what many people felt when he attacked this country’s record of promoting equal rights for gays.

Surprise at the Pope’s remarks was giving way today to more determined opposition to his views, with the National Secular Society vowing to set up a Protest the Pope campaign to hold demonstrations during Benedict’s visit this year.

Aware of the growing controversy, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, in Rome leading the 34 other bishops of England and Wales on an ad limina, or five-yearly visit to see the Pope, said that Benedict XVI was only saying publicly what many devout people believed.

«I think [the Pope’s] words will find an echo in many in our country who are uneasy that perhaps one of the unintended consequences of recent legislation is to drive religious belief and practice into the sphere of the private only,» the Archbishop said.

Katolske Catholic Herald skriver om samme sak på følgende måte:
Pope Benedict XVI has criticised Labour’s equality legislation in a remarkably direct speech to English and Welsh bishops at the end of their ad limina visit to Rome.

He said the legislation put unjust limits on religious freedom and «in some respects actually violates the natural law».

He made the remark just moments after he confirmed that he would be visiting Britain this year. …

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