Pave Benedikt til kardinalene: “En trøst å ikke være alene”

I går hadde pave Benedikt en lunch sammen med 46 kardinaler, og ved slutten av lunchen holdt han en liten tale, der han (ifølge L’osservatore Romano) hadde som hovedpoeng; takknemligheten over at kardinalene hjalp ham i det krevende arbeidet. Under kan man lese på italiensk hvordan avisa presenterer saken.

Norske (nett)aviser ser nesten alle ut til å ha følgende NTB-melding som oppslag:
«Paven: – Jeg leder en såret og syndig kirke
På femårsdagen for sin inntreden som den katolske kirkens overhode innrømte pave Benedikt at kirken har store problemer.»

Det er korrekt at paven nevnte problemene med overgrepssakene i sin korte tale, men saken blir jo ganske vridd iher i Norge. På får vi kanskje det fyldigste referatet i dag:
Benedict XVI Says He Doesn’t Feel Alone

Addresses Cardinals on 5th Anniversary of Pontificate

Benedict XVI told a gathering of cardinals that he doesn’t feel alone in the midst of the difficulties and attacks that he and the Church have received in recent weeks. The Pope said this today at a celebratory luncheon in the Apostolic Palace, attended by 46 cardinals.

«At this moment the Pope feels very intensely that he is not alone, he feels he has around him the College of Cardinals and shares with it his tribulations and consolations,» reported L’Osservatore Romano.

«The Pope wished to thank the College of Cardinals for the help he receives everyday,» the newspaper continued. «Above all, at the moment when St. Augustine of Hippo’ s words, quoted by Vatican Council II, seem to be confirmed, according to which the Church journeys between ‘the persecutions of the world and the consolation of God.'»

The semi-official Vatican newspaper said that the Holy Father «mentioned the sins of the Church, reminding that the latter, wounded and sinful, experiences even more the consolations of God.» «In particular, the College of Cardinals is of great consolation to the Pope,» it added.

According to the newspaper, the bishop of Rome acknowledged that in «the Church there are two principles: one personal and one of communion. The Pope has a personal responsibility, which he cannot delegate; but the bishop is surrounded by his presbyters.

«And the Pope is surrounded by the College of Cardinals which could be called, according to Eastern terms, almost his ‘synod,’ his permanent company which helps him, supports him in his work.»

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