Jeg begynte selv med dette når jeg feirer messen for ca 3 år siden; å bøye hodet hver gang navnene Jesus, Maria, pavens navn og dagens helgen nevnes. Fr. Hunwicke nevner i sin blogg at dette kan være en god vane å lære seg (og fortsette med hele livet) når årets pasjonstid nå begynner:
… Here is a possibility: get into the way of bowing your head reverently at the Holy Name of Jesus (and another name as well: vide infra). My apologies to those of you who do this already; but my impression is that very few people do, even among the pious, even among the pious clergy. Yet it is prescribed in the old Canon Law of the Patrimonial Church of England to be done by clergy and laity alike, and this order was explicitly retained in the twentieth century revision of Canon Law. And, of course, it was laid down in the old Ritus Celebrandi Missam: ‘When the Name of Jesus is named, [the celebrant] bows his head … and similarly whenevever the Name of blessed Mary is named, or that of the Saints of whom the mass is said …’. I try to do this, not only liturgically, but also when I hear the Name of our Saviour uttered lightly as an expletive. …
Dette er også foreskrevet for den nye messen, men jeg tror det er få prester som gjør det. Og her foreslås det at lekfolk også gjerne må gjøre det.
Her kan man lese om andre tidspunkt man bør bøye hodet, og når og hvordan utføre andre gester