Jeffrey A. Tucker skriver mer på nettstedet The Chant Café om noe han har arbeidet med lenge, og som jeg har begynt å tenke mer på de siste månedene; om hva som virkelig hører med i messen:
The more I understand about the topic of Catholic music, the more it seems that music and liturgy they are really inseparable. The mark of a truly mature musician in the Catholic Church is the understanding that it isn’t really about the music after all but rather the integral contribution that music makes to the overall ritual.
A goal of the liturgy reform at Vatican II was to achieve this more fully; the effect has been the opposite: to completely shatter the relationship between the loft and the sanctuary. The main objective today is draw them together again. This is more important than any other personal taste in music or parish political agenda. …
… Here (in László Dobszay) was a severe critic of the structure and rubrics of what is known as the ordinary form today who was by no means an uncritical champion of the older form of Mass. Neither politics nor nostalgia interested Dobszay. He was passionate about the truth above all else. And the two truths that this book drove home were 1) the Roman Rite is intended to be a sung liturgy, and 2) the propers of the Mass are the source text for what is to be sung by the choir.
A reform that he championed was once considered outrageous: he wanted the permission to replace Mass propers with some other text to be completely repealed. The propers must never, under any conditions, be neglected. I’ve come around to this view. So have many, many others. In fact, it is a rather common view now, and one that even finds growing support in each successive translation of the General Instruction on the Roman Missal. …