Jeg leste nylig om regler for når de troende kan motta kommunion under begge skikkelser, fra Phoenix, Arizona. Biskop Thomas Olmsted har i det siste prøvd å begrense bruken av kommunion under begge skikkelser – i USA har man typisk 10-12-14 ekstraordinære kommunionsutdelere og 6-8 kalker med Kristi blod i store menighetsmesser – men ser ikke ut til å lykkes med dette. Den samlede bispekonferansen i USA oppfordrer ganske sterkt til kommunion under begge skikkelser, og selv om biskop Olmsteds nye normer (under) på en måte er tydelige nok, så vil de nok ikke få særlige konsekvenser. Dette skriver han:
Conditions for the use of Holy Communion under both kinds:
i. The faithful present at Mass are properly catechized and continually receive catechesis regarding the dogmatic principles on the matter laid down by the Ecumenical Council of Trent.
ii. The ordinary ministers (i.e., priests and deacons) are able to purify all the sacred vessels either during or immediately following Dismissal of the people at the conclusion of the Mass.
iii. There exists not even a small danger of the sacred species being profaned.
iv. There is not such a large number of communicants that it is difficult to gauge the amount of wine for the Eucharist. There is no danger that more than a reasonable quantity of the Blood of Christ remains after distribution of Holy Communion.
v. There is an adequate number of ordinary ministers of Holy Communion for the distribution of Holy Communion. When this is not the case, there is an adequate number of properly deputed and trained extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.
vi. The role of the Priest and Deacon as the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion is not obscured by an excessive use of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion; the bond between the ministerial priesthood and the Eucharist is clearly manifest.
vii. There are no health concerns such as influenza or some other contagious disease that would deter the faithful from approaching the chalice.
viii. “The chalice should not be ministered to lay members of Christ’s faithful where…a notable part of the people continues to prefer not to approach the chalice for various reasons, so that the sign of unity would in some sense be negated.”
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