Organisert protest mot pave Paul VI i 1968

Etter tips fra en leser leste jeg i dag et stykke skrevet av kardinal James Stafford i 2008, og nylig postet på nytt på denne bloggen, og hvordan protesten i USA mot Pave paul VIs encyklika Humanæ vitæ (på norsk her) foregikk. Da encyklikaen ble offentliggjort 29. juli 1968, hadde noen tydeligvis allerede laget en strategi for hvordan pavens budskap skulle nedkjempes. Slik skriver kardinal Stafford:

In his memoirs, Cardinal Shehan describes the immediate reaction of some priests in Washington to the encyclical: “[A]fter receiving the first news of the publication of the encyclical, the Rev. Charles E. Curran, instructor of moral theology of The Catholic University of America, flew back to Washington from the West where he had been staying. Late [on the afternoon of July 29], he and nine other professors of theology of the Catholic University met, by evident prearrangement, in Caldwell Hall to receive, again by prearrangement with the Washington Post, the encyclical, part by part, as it came from the press. The story further indicated that by nine o’clock that night, they had received the whole encyclical, had read it, had analyzed it, criticized it, and had composed their six-hundred word ‘Statement of Dissent.’ Then they began that long series of telephone calls to ‘theologians’ throughout the East, which went on, according to the Post, until 3:30 a.m., seeking authorization to attach their names as endorsers (signers was the term used) of the statement, although those to whom they had telephoned could not have had an opportunity to see either the encyclical or their statement. Meanwhile, they had arranged through one of the local television stations to have the statement broadcast that night.”

The Cardinal’s judgment was scornful. In 1982 he wrote, “The first thing that we have to note about the whole performance is this: so far as I have been able to discern, never in the recorded history of the Church has a solemn proclamation of a Pope been received by any group of Catholic people with so much disrespect and contempt.”

(My) personal Peirasmòs, the test, began. In Baltimore in early August 1968, a few days after the encyclical’s issuance, I received an invitation by telephone from a recently ordained assistant pastor to attend a gathering of some Baltimore priests at the rectory of St. William of York parish in southwest Baltimore to discuss the encyclical. The meeting was set for Sunday evening, August 4. I agreed to come. Eventually a large number of priests were gathered in the rectory’s basement. I knew them all. ….

My expectations of the meeting proved unrealistic. I had hoped that we had been called together to receive copies of the encyclical and to discuss it. I was mistaken. Neither happened. After welcoming us and introducing the leadership, the inner-city pastor came to the point. He expected each of us to subscribe to the Washington “Statement of Dissent.” ….

Ingen av prestene på møtet hadde fått lese Humanæ vitæ, men likevel var det bare den unge presten James Stafford som våget å nekte å skrive under protesten. (Dette ser man om man leser videre – HER.)

2 hendelser på “Organisert protest mot pave Paul VI i 1968”

  1. De nordiske biskoper spilte kanskje heller ingen spesielt oppbyggelig rolle i forbindelse med encyclikaen? Norske katolikker fikk vel nesten en forståelse av at den hl. Fars ord i denne sak ikke gjaldt her til lands.

  2. Det gikk sannelig hardt for seg i 1968! En kjent kampsang fra dengang etterlot ingen tvil om at det skulle koste å stille seg i veien for revolusjonen:

    Don’t stand in the doorway / Don’t block up the hall
    For he that gets hurt / Will be he who has stalled
    There’s a battle outside / And it is ragin’
    It’ll soon shake your windows / And rattle your walls
    For the times they are a-changin’.

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