John Allen skriver at det nå kan se ut som at pave Benedikt vil bli strengere mot radikale/liberale katolikker som motsetter seg Kirkens lære på viktige punkter:
When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the papacy in April 2005, the popular forecast called for stormy weather ahead. This was, after all, the Vatican enforcer who had been leading a “smack-down on heresy since 1981”, in the words of T-shirts and coffee mugs marketed by a Ratzinger fan club. His rise elicited dread in some quarters and joy in others, but virtually everyone agreed big things were in the works.
During most of the past seven years, however, that anticipated upheaval has seemed a lot like the dog that didn’t bark. Back in February 2006, the late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus famously voiced “palpable unease” among those most elated by Ratzinger’s election, and that disappointment endured in a swath of Catholic opinion which had begun to despair that the pope would ever impose order. Of late, however, many observers believe the “real Ratzinger” has finally come out to play. Consider the tumult of the past month:
On April 18, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith decreed a sweeping overhaul of the Leadership Conference for Women Religious, the main American umbrella group for the superiors of women’s orders, to correct what the congregation described as LCWR’s “corporate dissent” ….
At least five Irish priests have faced Vatican-inspired discipline, with implementation left to their religious orders. Two Redemptorists have seen their writings for a church magazine either withdrawn or limited …
On April 5, Benedict XVI included some blistering language in his Holy Thursday homily about a “call to disobedience” issued by more than 300 priests and deacons in Austria who oppose celibacy and support women’s ordination. …
On April 14, Benedict XVI ordered the German bishops to translate the traditional Latin phrase pro multis, from the words spoken by Christ at the Last Supper in reference to the shedding of his blood, as “for many” rather than “for all”. ….
Lenger nede i artikkelen modifiserer Allen sine tanker en del, og om man leser kommentarene etter artikkelen, vil man se hva slags tanker de fleste leserne av det svært liberale National Catholic Reporter har om paven/Vatikanet.
Pave Benedict XVI må bli strengere med disse elementene innen kirken. Fordi om man motsetter seg kirkens lære og lar egne agendaer-egeninteresser komme foran, så vil det gjøre større skade enn disse og mange andre er istand til å forstå. På kort og lengre sikt.
Kirkens lære, historie, tradisjoner og ektehet må man bevare og ta seriøst til enhver tid.