mai 2012

Pave Johannes XXIIIs sekretær

Denne interessante videoen fra Catholic News Service handler om hva pave Johannes XXIII tenkte da han innkalte til det andre Vatikankonsilet. Tips fra Fr. Finigans blogg – og han skriver:

The video shows Archbishop Loris Capovilla speaking affectionately about Blessed Pope John XXIII and his decision to call the second Vatican Council. (Lovely Italian with subtitles.) The Archbishop tells of how the Holy Father was encouraged, in the aftermath of the second world war, by the establishment of three international organisations: the UN, FAO and UNESCO. With respect, and with the luxury of hindsight, we might consider this rather optimistic. …

Heter det «for mange» eller «for alle»?

Det skal hete «for mange» leser vi på www.chiesa. Denne artikkelen er en meget god oppsummering av den så langt siste runden i striden om «mange» eller «alle», en strid er nesten helt ukjent i Norge, for helt siden presten fikk lov til å lese den eukaristiske bønn på morsmålet (i 1967?), har vi her hørt: «.. For dette er mitt blods kalk, den nye og evige pakts blod, som skal utgydes for dere og for de mange til syndenes forlatelse. .. »

Men på flertallet av europeiske språk har man her i 40 år sagt «for alle» – også på dansk, som vi leser om her. Engelsk innførte den korrekte oversettelsen i desember i fjor – etter at pave Benedikt hadde grepet direkte inn, og klart å få de engelsktalende biskopene med seg. Nylig har paven grepet direkte inn på nytt og skrevet et personlig brev til de tyske biskopene 14. april. I Tyskland har pave benedikt nå så vidt for flertall for sitt syn, men ikke i Østerrike – og absolutt ikke i Italia. Slik leser vi i artikkelen:

… If in Germany, in fact, although with strong resistance, the episcopal conference recently opted to translate «pro multis» no longer with «für alle,» for all, but with «für viele,» for many, in Austria this is not the case.

And not in Italy either. In November of 2010, in a vote, out of 187 voting bishops only 11 sided with «per molti.» An overwhelming majority voted in favor of «per tutti,» indifferent to the Vatican guidelines. Shortly beforehand, the episcopal conferences of the sixteen Italian ecclesiastical regions, with the sole exception of Liguria, had spoken out for the retention of the formula «per tutti.»

In other parts of the world they are returning to the use of «for many»: in Latin America, in Spain, in Hungary, in the United States. Often with disagreement and disobedience.

But Benedict XVI clearly wants to see this one all the way through. Without impositions, but urging the bishops to prepare the clergy and the faithful, with appropriate catechesis, for a change that must come no matter what.

After this letter, it is therefore easy to predict that «per molti» will also be restored in the Masses celebrated in Italy, in spite of the contrary vote of the bishops in 2010.

The new version of the missal, approved by the Italian episcopal conference, is currently under examination by the Vatican congregation for divine worship. And on this point it will certainly be correct according to the pope’s guidelines. ..

Artikkelen i www.chiesa skriver videre om hva som har skjedd med messeoversettelsene – på dette og andre områder – siden dokumentet om de nye oversettelsesprisnippene «Liturgiam Authenticam» ble utgitt i 2001. Og den har også med en engelsk oversettelse av pavens brev til den tyske bispekonferansen 14. april.

Den hellige Athanasius skriver grundig om den hellige Athanasius av Alexandria (~296-373), aranismens viktigste mostander:

… Athanasius’ minnedag i vesten er 2. mai, mens han feires den 15. mai i den koptiske kalenderen. Hans viktigste minnedag i øst er 18. januar sammen med den hellige Kyrillos av Alexandria. Han er i uminnelige tider blitt feiret av kopterne og de ortodokse, men hans fest ble innført i Roma først på 1600-tallet, selv om den er blitt feiret i Frankrike siden 1100-tallet. Men siden har hans minnedag stått i de fleste kalendere. Athanasius avbildes ofte som en gammel mann i bispedrakt mens han står over en nedkjempet kjetter, mens han holder en bok i hånden. Det eldste bildet av ham er fra 700-tallet i kirken Santa Maria Antiqua i Roma. …

I de tradisjonelle tidebønnene leste vi i dag om ham:

Athanasius was Bishop of Alexandria, and a most vigorous defender of the Catholic religion. When he was still a deacon, he refuted the impiety of Arius at the Council of Nicaea, and earned such hatred from the Arians that, from that time on, they never ceased to lay snares for him. Driven into exile, he went to Treves in Gaul. He endured unbelievable hardships and wandered over a great part of the world, being often driven from his Church, and often restored by the authority of Pope Julius and the decrees of the Councils of Sardica and Jerusalem. All this while, he was persecuted by the Arians. Finally, rescued, by the help of God, from so many great dangers, he died at Alexandria during the reign of Emperor Valens. His life and death are marked by great miracles. He wrote many works, both of devotion and of catechetics, and, with great holiness, he ruled the Church of Alexandria, in those most troubled times, for forty-six years.

Prestenes offertjeneste kan ikke løsrives fra deres pastorale tjeneste

Dette satte Vatikanets informasjonstjeneste som overskrift (PRIESTS’ EUCHARISTIC-SACRIFICIAL MISSION IS INSEPARABLE FROM THEIR PASTORAL MISSION) på et referat av messen i Peterskirken søndag 29. april, der pave Benedikt ordinerte tre menn til prestetjeneste. Jeg leste denne nyheten på NLM-bloggen, der jeg også fant bildet. I sin preken sa paven bl.a.:

… for priests, celebrating Mass every day does not mean merely undertaking a ritual function, but accomplishing a mission which involves all of existence, in communion with the risen Christ Who continues to enact the redeeming sacrifice in His Church».

The Holy Father went on to note that «Eucharistic and sacrificial aspects are inseparable from the pastoral aspect, of which they are the nucleus of truth and salvific strength upon which the effectiveness of all activity depends. … The preaching, works and other activities which the Church carries out with her many initiatives would lose their salvific fruitfulness if the celebration of Christ’s sacrifice were lacking. This celebration is entrusted to ordained priests. … Only through the ‘door’ of the Paschal sacrifice can men and women of all times and places enter eternal life. It is through this ‘holy path’ that they can make the exodus which leads them to the ‘promised land’ of true freedom, to the ‘green fields’ of endless peace and joy. …

Den hellige Josef, håndverkeren

Den hellige Josefs viktigste minnedag er 19. mars, men skriver om hvorfor han også feires 1. mai:

… Den salige pave Pius IX utnevnte ham i 1870 til «Universalkirkens beskytter», og oppmuntret også hans «patronatsfest», senere «høytidsdag», på tredje onsdag etter påske. Denne festen ble erstattet av pave Pius XII i 1955 med en fest den 1. mai for St. Josef, «arbeideren», senere «håndverkeren», innført som en motvekt mot sosialistenes feiring av dagen. …

Noen år fram til 1969 ble denne dagen feiret som fest av 1. klasse, men ble så kraftig nedgradert til valgfri minnedag. Men dagen har en fullt utarbeidet messe også i den nye kalenderen, og det er vel meningen å feire han ganske skikkelig alle steder 1. mai er arbeidernes dag – dvs. de fleste steder utenom USA.

Siden det er fest av 1. klasse i den tradisjonelle kalenderen, har matutin hele 9 lesninger. Lesning 1, 2 og 3 er fra 1. Mosebok og handler om skapelsen og menneskets oppdrag: Gen 1:27-28,31; 2:1-3 – Gen 2:7-9,15 – Gen 3:17-19, 23-24

Lesningene 4, 5 og 6 er fra the Acts of Pope Pius XII

The Church, most provident Mother of All, expends the greatest efforts for the protection and relief of the workers, erecting and promoting for them societies which Pius XII, the Supreme Pontiff, now wishes to be entrusted to the most powerful patronage of St. Joseph. For St. Joseph, since he was reckoned the father of Christ, who deigned to be called the son of a workman, on account of the irrevocable bond which united him to Jesus, drank abundantly of that spirit which ennobles and elevates labor. In like manner, associations of workers ought to be aware of the same kind of spirit, so that Christ may always be present in them, in their members, in their families and in fact in every labor organization, because the chief purpose of these associations is to foster and nourish the Christian life in their members, to spread the Kingdom of God more widely, especially among fellow workers in the same plant.

The same Pontiff supplied a new proof of the Church’s solicitude for labor organization, when, upon the occasion of a convention of workingmen held in Rome on the first of May in the year 1955, he took the opportunity of speaking to a large multitude gathered in the square before St. Peter’s Basilica, and commended most highly the instruction of workingmen. For in our day it is of prime importance that the workers be properly imbued with Christian doctrine in order that they may avoid the widespread errors concerning the nature of society and economic matters. Moreover, such instruction is needed that they might have a correct knowledge of the moral order established by God as it effects the rights and duties of workers, and which the Church discloses and interprets, so that by partaking in the needed reforms they might work more effectively toward their realization. For Christ was the first one to promulgate in the world those principles which he delivered to the Church and which still stand unchangeable and most valid for the solution of these problems.

In order that the dignity of human labor and the principles which underlie it might penetrate more deeply into souls, Pius XII has instituted the feast of St. Joseph the Workman, as an example and a protection for all associations of workers. For from this example, those who follow the worker’s calling ought to learn how and in what spirit they should discharge their duties, so that, obeying the first law of God, they might likewise subdue the earth and attain to economic prosperity, and at the same time reap the rewards of eternal life. Nor will the prudent guardian of the Family of Nazareth fail to shield with his protection, and from heaven bless the homes of those who, like him, are artisans and workmen. Most aptly has the Supreme Pontiff ordered this feast to be celebrated on the first of May, a day which the workers have adopted as their own; from henceforth let it be hoped that this day, dedicated to St. Joseph the Workman, will, as time goes on, not sharpen hatred and inflame strife, but with each recurring year, invite everyone to strive more and more for those things which are still lacking to civil peace, and indeed that it may stimulate the public authorities to use their abilities in effecting whatever right order demands of human fellowship.

Lesning 7, 8 og 9 er en preken av den hellige Albert den store over evenagelieteksten på denne dagen; Mat. 13:54-58, som også brukes som evangelium i den nye messen:

På den tid kom Jesus til sin hjembygd og underviste folk i synagogen der, slik at de undret seg stort og sa: «Tro hvor han har denne visdommen fra, og denne undergjørende kraften? Det er da sønnen til tømmermannen? Og heter kanskje ikke hans mor Maria og hans brødre Jakob og Josef og Simon og Judas? Og søstrene hans, bor de ikke her blant oss alle sammen? Hvor kan han da ha alt dette fra?» Og de festet ingen lit til ham. Jesus sa da til dem: «Bare i sitt hjem og i sin hjembygd blir en profet ringeaktet slik.» Og på grunn av deres vantro var det ikke mange under han gjorde der.

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