Bloggen PrayTell (ikke spesielt konservativ, som jeg har nevnt før) stiller et ganske direkte, interessant og dristig spørsmål om hva pave Benedikt egentlig ønsker for og mener om liturgien i Kirken i vår tid:
Pope Benedict XVI, before and since his election, has shown himself to be a critic of the liturgical reforms in the Catholic Church. What are the main targets of his criticism? To what extent is his criticism directed at local liturgists and clergy who have incorrectly implemented the official reforms? Or at Paul VI who entrusted Consilium with the reform of the official books? Or at the Second Vatican Council itself in Sacrosanctum Concilium?
Anthony Ruff, OSB
Når jeg leser innlegget (etter to dager) er det allerede kommet 100 svar på spørsmålet.