Her er første del av en rapport fra the Fifth Fota International Liturgy Conference, Clarion Hotel, Cork City, Ireland, 7-9 July 2012. Det gis en kort oppsummering av 8 foredrag, og om Mariusz Biliniewiczs foredrag sies det:
Reasonable Worship (Rm 12:1): Joseph Ratzinger’s Theology of Sacrifice, presented the main highlights of Joseph Ratzinger’s theology of sacrifice and placed them in the context of his thought and in the context of contemporary theological discussion. The paper began with a short introduction showing the importance of the topic of sacrifice in the writings of Joseph Ratzinger and outlined the reasons for his interest in this subject. Biliniewicz continued by presenting Ratzinger’s understanding of sacrifice in pre-Christian religions and in the Old Testament. Turning to the New Testament, he showed Ratzinger’s understanding of the Christ event as the fulfilment of the promises and expectations of Israel and of the whole of humanity; and Ratzinger’s view of the Eucharist as the actualization of Christ’s unique and ultimate sacrifice for the people of all times and places. Biliniewicz concluded by assessing the importance of Ratzinger’s theology of sacrifice for the contemporary Church in the light of his election to the Chair of Peter.
Eg har prøvd å finne ut om det er mogeleg å få tak i dette foredraget. Veit du om det finst ein eller annan plass?
Det virker som det tar nesten et helt år før foredragene etter disse Fota-konferansene blir utgitt. På denne siden ( http://saintspeterandpaulscork.org/fota-conference/ ) leser vi at bøkene vanligvis blir utgitt på the Four Courts Press ( http://www.fourcourtspress.ie/ )
Mariusz Biliniewiczs har visst skrevet en hel bok om Ratzingers «liturgiske visjon». Den kan man lese om her (og kjøpe, men den er dyr): http://www.peterlang.com/download/datasheet/71594/datasheet_430923.pdf og lese innldningen til her: http://www.peterlang.com/download/extract/71594/extract_430923.pdf
Takk, takk. Vil nok kjøpe den boka.