Sjokkerende nyheter fra Los Angeles

På en måte er det ikke noe nytt som her kommer fram om presters misbruk av barn (bortsett fra mange grusomme detaljer), men i forbindelse med at mange dokumenter om dette misbruket, og biskopenes (dårlige) behandling av det, går en biskop av og kardinal Mahony kan ikke ha flere oppgaver for bispedømmet – konfirmasjoner o.a. som pensjonerte biskoper ofte utfører. Fra The Catholic Herald:

Cardinal Roger Mahony will “no longer have any administrative or public duties” as retired Archbishop of Los Angeles because of past failures to protect children from clerical sex abuse, Archbishop José Gomez has said.

Archbishop Gomez, Cardinal Mahony’s successor as Archbishop of Los Angeles, made the statement on the same day the archdiocese published the files of clergy who were the subject of a 2007 global abuse settlement. The material has been posted on a website, along with supporting information that includes the names of senior Church figures.

Archbishop Gomez also accepted Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Curry’s request to be relieved of his responsibility as the regional bishop of Santa Barbara.

Cardinal Mahony, now 76, led the archdiocese from 1985 until his March 2011 retirement. Bishop Curry, 70, was the archdiocese’s vicar of clergy and chief adviser on sexual abuse cases in the mid-1980s.

“These files document abuses that happened decades ago,” Archbishop Gomez said. “But that does not make them less serious. I find these files to be brutal and painful reading. The behaviour described in these files is terribly sad and evil. …»

Jeg leste også om det hos Father Z. tidligere i dag – HER og HER.

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